Who is Amalia “Yuyito” González, the iconic former vedette who accompanied Milei to the Teatro Colón?

Who is Amalia “Yuyito” González, the iconic former vedette who accompanied Milei to the Teatro Colón?

Amalia “Yuyito” González, who is accompanying Javier Milei at tonight’s gala at the Teatro Colón, has previously shown her strong support for the President during the launch of his book at Luna Park. At that event, this former vedette and model, known for her dazzling performances in the theaters along Avenida Corrientes, was seated among VIP guests, right between Victoria Villarruel and Minister Sandra Pettovello.

Born on March 8, 1960, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Caballito, González is celebrated as one of the prominent vedettes who defined the entertainment scene of the 80s and 90s with her commanding presence. In 1982, she met two influential figures, Pepe Parada and Gerardo Sofovich, who played key roles in her successful entry into Argentine television and showbiz.

González’s career took a significant turn when she appeared on “La peluquería de Don Mateo,” which greatly increased her popularity. It was during this time that she earned her iconic nickname “Yuyito,” stemming from a sketch in which she portrayed a sexy gardener. Her charisma and physical charm became essential assets that helped her thrive on stage and collaborate in various revue productions.

In her personal life, Guillermo Coppola was a notable figure, and they had a daughter together named Bárbara. Now 64, Amalia is also the mother of two other children, Stefano and Brenda, from her relationship with César Di Aloy. While her professional activities mainly revolved around the entertainment industry, she also ventured into journalism and developed a close association with Casa Rosada during Carlos Menem’s presidency.

After two decades of success on television and stage, González shifted her focus towards her religious beliefs, marking the end of her flourishing career in the arts with increasingly sparse media appearances. However, she has recently made a return to the political scene, showing noticeable gestures of support for President Javier Milei.

Her connection with Milei has developed even during his previous relationship with Fátima Florez. Last November, he attended the show “Empezar el día” on Ciudad Magazine, where Yuyito openly expressed her admiration, calling him “very friendly” and “handsome.” Just a few months later, she claimed a VIP spot at Milei’s event at Luna Park, and on July 23, she joined him at the gala at Teatro Colón, amid growing speculation about their increasingly close relationship.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/actualidad/quien-es-amalia-yuyito-gonzalez-iconica-ex-vedette-acompano-javier-milei-teatro-colon.phtml

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