Whoopi Goldberg Branded ‘Pathetic’ by Piers Morgan Over Trump Spit Gesture on “The View”

Whoopi Goldberg Branded ‘Pathetic’ by Piers Morgan Over Trump Spit Gesture on “The View”

Piers Morgan has publicly criticized Whoopi Goldberg, calling her “pathetic” for her recent gesture on “The View” where she pretended to spit after mentioning Donald Trump’s name. The incident occurred during a discussion about the upcoming presidential debate between Trump and President Joe Biden. Goldberg, who often refers to Trump as “You-Know-Who,” slipped up and said his name, prompting her to make the spitting gesture.

Goldberg’s co-host Joy Behar initially said Trump’s name, leading Goldberg to repeat it and then pretend to spit. The studio audience applauded the moment, but Morgan, a British TV personality and former winner of Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice,” expressed his disapproval on social media. He tweeted, “So pathetic,” in response to a clip of the incident shared on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Goldberg has been a vocal critic of Trump for years. On May 31, she made a special appearance on “The View” to discuss Trump’s recent criminal conviction, explicitly stating his name and calling him a “convicted felon.” She argued that Trump should serve time in jail for his crimes, emphasizing that he should be treated like any other convicted felon.

Trump was found guilty on May 30 of 34 felony counts related to falsifying business records in connection with a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels. The payment was made shortly before the 2016 election, and the money was listed in the Trump Organization’s records as “legal fees.” Prosecutors argued that this was part of an unlawful attempt to influence the election’s outcome. Trump has denied any wrongdoing, claiming the trial was a political witch hunt aimed at derailing his White House bid.

Trump has also criticized Goldberg, recently stating in a social media post that Canada “doesn’t want” her, in response to a doctored meme that falsely portrayed her as saying she would leave the U.S. if Trump were re-elected.

Morgan’s criticism of Goldberg is not an isolated incident. He has previously expressed his disdain for Hollywood celebrities who publicly criticize Trump. For example, he criticized Meryl Streep for her speech at the Golden Globes, where she attacked Trump for mocking a disabled reporter. Morgan argued that Hollywood is out of touch with ordinary Americans and accused Streep of hypocrisy, pointing out that she had previously given a standing ovation to Roman Polanski, a convicted child rapist.

Morgan’s comments reflect a broader sentiment among some Trump supporters who feel that Hollywood elites are disconnected from the realities of everyday Americans. This sentiment was echoed by actor Mark Wahlberg, who urged Hollywood celebrities to avoid talking about politics, arguing that they live in a bubble and are out of touch with the common person.

Goldberg’s gesture on “The View” and Morgan’s subsequent criticism highlight the ongoing cultural and political divide in the United States. While some view Goldberg’s actions as a humorous and justified critique of Trump, others see it as disrespectful and emblematic of Hollywood’s elitism.

The incident also underscores the polarized nature of American politics, where even seemingly trivial actions can become flashpoints for broader debates about respect, decency, and the role of public figures in political discourse.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, these cultural clashes are likely to intensify. Trump remains a polarizing figure, and his potential candidacy will undoubtedly provoke strong reactions from both his supporters and detractors. Goldberg’s gesture and Morgan’s response are just one example of how deeply divided the country remains.

In the end, the incident serves as a reminder of the power of media and celebrity in shaping public opinion. Whether one agrees with Goldberg or Morgan, their actions and words have a significant impact on the national conversation. As the election season heats up, these cultural and political battles will continue to play out on television screens and social media platforms across the country.

Source: Newsweek, OK! Magazine

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