Whoopi Goldberg Criticizes Louisiana’s 10 Commandments Law as Foolishness

Whoopi Goldberg Criticizes Louisiana’s 10 Commandments Law as Foolishness

Whoopi Goldberg has openly criticized Louisiana’s new law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, calling it “foolishness.” The law, signed by Governor Jeff Landry, requires that every classroom from elementary to university level display a poster of the Ten Commandments. This move has sparked significant controversy and is expected to face legal challenges from civil liberties groups.

Goldberg, a co-host on “The View,” questioned the law’s implications and its alignment with the principle of separation of church and state. She raised a provocative question during a recent episode, asking if schools would also be required to display texts from other religious traditions, such as the Quran. Her comments reflect a broader concern about the law’s constitutionality and its potential to infringe on religious freedom.

The new law stipulates that the Ten Commandments must be displayed in a “large, easily readable font” on an 11 by 14-inch poster, making them the central focus of the display. Additionally, the posters must include a context statement explaining the historical significance of the Ten Commandments in American public education. However, the state has not allocated any funding to cover the costs of these posters, leaving schools to bear the expense.

Critics argue that the law violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from establishing a religion. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other civil liberties organizations have announced plans to challenge the law in court. They contend that the law is “blatantly unconstitutional” and fails to respect the religious diversity of Louisiana’s student population.

The bill’s author, Republican state lawmaker Dodie Horton, has defended the measure, stating that it aims to reintroduce a “moral code” into classrooms. Horton believes that the Ten Commandments are foundational to both state and national governance and sees the law as a way to instill hope and moral values in students.

This is not the first time the display of the Ten Commandments in public spaces has led to legal battles. In 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a similar law in Kentucky, ruling that it had no secular legislative purpose and was “plainly religious in nature.” This precedent is likely to play a significant role in the upcoming legal challenges to the Louisiana law.

Goldberg’s comments on “The View” reflect a broader concern about the increasing influence of religious conservatism in American politics. She and her co-hosts have frequently criticized policies and actions that they believe undermine the separation of church and state. During the discussion, co-host Joy Behar echoed Goldberg’s sentiments, suggesting that someone needs to expose the motivations behind such laws.

Legal expert Sunny Hostin added that while the Supreme Court justices are protected by judicial immunity, their personal conduct is not entirely beyond scrutiny. Hostin expressed disappointment over recent comments by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, which were captured in a secretly recorded audio. The recordings, which have not been verified, reportedly show Alito agreeing with the notion that America needs to “return to a place of Godliness.”

Hostin also highlighted the problematic nature of using snippets of recordings without consent, noting that such actions can take statements out of context. She emphasized the importance of maintaining the integrity of the Supreme Court, which she believes is compromised by such incidents.

The controversy surrounding Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law is part of a larger national debate about the role of religion in public life. Similar laws have been proposed in other Republican-led states, including Texas, Oklahoma, and Utah. As the legal battles unfold, the outcome will likely have significant implications for the future of religious displays in public institutions across the United States.

Goldberg’s outspoken criticism underscores the ongoing tension between religious conservatism and the principles of religious freedom and separation of church and state. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how the courts will rule on this contentious issue.

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