Why Cucumbers Should Become a Must-Have Food in Your Fridge This Summer

Why Cucumbers Should Become a Must-Have Food in Your Fridge This Summer

When we think about summer foods, our minds often drift to delicious and refreshing fruits like watermelon, melon, cherries, and peaches. However, another food deserves recognition as a summer staple due to its numerous healthy properties: the cucumber. Nutrition experts argue that this vegetable should not be missing from our summer shopping lists, and here are several convincing reasons.

Nutritionist Natalia Galán from the Health Promotion Service of Sanitas emphasizes that cucumbers are an extremely hydrating food. Given the soaring temperatures of summer, staying hydrated is crucial. "Cucumbers are made up of about 95% water, which helps to keep us cool and well-hydrated on hot days. Their low calorie content and high fiber content make them an ideal option for those looking to maintain a light and healthy diet," she explains. Furthermore, cucumbers are versatile and can be incorporated into salads, sauces, cold soups like gazpacho, or enjoyed as a snack.

Cucumbers belong to the gourd family and are low in calories, primarily comprising water. They are a good source of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and bone health, and they also contain smaller amounts of other B vitamins and vitamin C. Additionally, cucumbers provide important minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which are vital for the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, as mentioned by the Sanitas expert.

The question arises: What are the main benefits of consuming cucumbers? Galán highlights that cucumbers’ most significant advantage lies in their antioxidant content, particularly vitamin C. This vitamin helps bolster the immune system, maintain healthy skin, and combat cellular damage. Cucumbers also contain fiber, which improves digestion and promotes gut health.

While cucumbers are commonly peeled before consumption, they can also be eaten with the skin on, allowing you to take advantage of their additional properties. The skin is rich in fiber and has a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K and antioxidants such as beta-carotenes. However, if you choose to eat the skin, it’s crucial to wash the cucumber thoroughly to remove any potential pesticide residues or contaminants.

For individuals with digestive issues or those who find cucumber skin too tough or bitter, peeling the cucumber may be a more comfortable choice.

Cucumber on a wooden board

There are instances where cucumber consumption may not be advisable. Galán notes that individuals with allergies to cucurbits, the plant family to which cucumbers belong, should avoid them. Additionally, people with digestive problems might not tolerate cucumbers well. However, with those exceptions, cucumbers are recommended as a healthy food choice for the general population. It’s always wise to consult a doctor or nutritionist if you have questions about specific foods.

Moreover, cucumbers are excellent for your skin. According to dermatoesthetics and nutrition expert Diana Girón, director of DG Clínica Madrid, cucumbers are primarily composed of water, making them ideal for keeping skin hydrated during the summer. They also contain silica, a mineral that contributes to skin firmness and texture. Regular cucumber consumption can help reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

In summary, cucumbers are not just refreshing summer snacks; they offer various health benefits, making them a must-have in your diet.

Image and News Source: https://es-us.vida-estilo.yahoo.com/pepino-deber%C3%ADa-convertirse-alimento-imprescindible-062256244.html

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