Why Dago García Continues Bringing Colombian Kingpins to Screen: ‘So Much to Tell’

Why Dago García Continues Bringing Colombian Kingpins to Screen: ‘So Much to Tell’

After the success of the first season, the streaming platform Vix launched Paraíso Blanco 2, the sequel that delves into the life of Carlos Lehder, the man who played a pivotal role in making Pablo Escobar “the boss of evil.” Although less discussed until now, Lehder was a powerful figure in the drug trade, establishing routes for trafficking and deeply influencing high-level politics across Latin America.

Dago García, the producer of the series, shared insights with Infobae Colombia about revealing the complex world of the Medellín Cartel’s founder—who notably was the only member to serve time for his crimes. He described Lehder as having “extreme and ambitious ideas” and possessing a broad perspective on the business.

In the second season of Paraíso Blanco, viewers will see how Lehder’s risky lifestyle pushes him to the brink, ultimately leading to his downfall and a lengthy prison sentence. The concept of transporting cocaine to the United States was Lehder’s brainchild, fueled by his familiarity with the country, proficiency in English, and skills as a pilot. These attributes helped him grow the drug business on a massive scale. Unlike others who faced peril crossing through Mexico, he purchased an island in the Bahamas, complete with a runway next to his operations hub.

This near-independent republic and tax haven allowed Lehder to demonstrate his capabilities—bringing together several Latin American presidents and U.S. politicians, as noted in Ron Chepesiuk’s book Crazy Charlie: Revolutionary or Neo-Nazi. His vision of cocaine trafficking was intertwined with political maneuvering.

Given all this, Vix aims to continue exploring Lehder’s narrative through further installments, revealing a character who, while not as infamous as Pablo Escobar, could have wielded even greater power. However, his moral boundaries prevented him from descending into the same depths of depravity.

According to García, the stakes will be even higher in Paraíso Blanco 2. "Lehder will take much bigger risks; everything will be exaggerated to the extreme," he promised. He believes the excitement is guaranteed, and he is proud of the work’s quality, which exceeded his expectations. His track record includes other successful projects like El Cartel de los Sapos, Escobar, el Patrón del Mal, and Las Muñecas de la Mafia.

With the release of Paraíso Blanco 2, the debate has resurfaced regarding the impact of such narratives on Colombian society, especially those that stem from a dark past and stigmatize its people. García discussed why this genre continues to gain traction, both on screens and in public discourse.

He believes that those who criticize these creators do so with flawed understanding. According to him, presenting these stories aims to convey that wrongdoing leads to negative outcomes. “I don’t know of a single narcoserie where the villain triumphs," he stated. “They all end tragically—death, madness, or incarceration, as with Lehder.”

For producers, the demand for these narratives reflects society’s curiosity about the unknown, mythical, and enigmatic aspects of drug trafficking. García noted that years ago, discussing these topics was nearly impossible due to threats from narcotraficantes who silenced media coverage. Therefore, there exists a lack of historical documentation on the subject, making it even more crucial to tell these stories.

Beyond providing entertainment or glorifying evil, the producers aim to create a reflective experience for viewers, illustrating the consequences of unethical actions. García emphasized, “The focus of these narratives is to deliver an ethical mandate. The villain always pays, while correct social behavior gets rewarded."

He encourages discussion around whether these themes should be addressed on-screen, advocating against censorship in any form. “As we talk more about these issues, we will understand them better, and with time, we hope this understanding can help us overcome the troubles caused by drugs.”

For García, who exceeded his own expectations with Paraíso Blanco 2 regarding its atmospheric details and character portrayals, it’s worth resisting the criticism from those who judge these depictions from a misguided perspective. He believes there will be a continued interest in narcoseries since audiences crave knowledge about their past and the lessons that can be drawn from it.

Starring Sebastián Osorio, alongside a talented cast including Variel Sánchez, Michal Malinowsky, and others, the series indulges in the eccentric life of this former drug lord. Filmed in places like New York, Miami, and Cartagena, it stays true to the essence of Carlos Lehder, blending truth with creative license to explore both his personal and professional life, showcasing the balance between power and decline.

“It’s intriguing to see how far a Colombian’s brilliant mind can reach and to reflect on what amazing achievements could unfold if those strategies were redirected for good,” Osorio commented on his compelling role.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2024/07/23/esta-es-la-razon-por-la-que-dago-garcia-sigue-llevando-la-vida-de-los-capos-colombianos-a-las-pantallas-hay-mucho-por-contar/

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