Why South Korea is banning a song that recently went viral on TikTok

Why South Korea is banning a song that recently went viral on TikTok

In a surprising turn of events, a North Korean propaganda song titled “Friendly Father” has taken the world by storm, particularly on the social media platform TikTok. The song, which praises North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, has gone viral, capturing the attention of millions globally, including in the United States. However, South Korea has taken a firm stance against the song, banning it from being accessed within its borders. This move comes amid ongoing concerns about the spread of North Korean propaganda and its potential impact on South Korean society.

The song “Friendly Father” was released by North Korea last month, accompanied by a music video featuring soldiers, workers, and students dancing and giving thumbs up. The video aims to inspire devotion to Kim Jong-un, who is portrayed as the “father of the nation.” According to North Korean state media, the song is “resounding endlessly in all parts of the country,” with citizens singing it in their workplaces and homes.

What North Korea likely did not anticipate was the song’s international reach, especially on TikTok, a platform that North Koreans themselves cannot access. The catchy tune has become an unlikely social media hit, spreading rapidly across the globe and even reaching audiences in the “imperialist” U.S.

South Korea’s Ban on “Friendly Father”

South Korea’s media regulator, the Korea Communications Standards Commission (KCSC), has banned access to the “Friendly Father” music video, citing concerns that it idolizes and glorifies Kim Jong-un. The decision was made after intelligence authorities requested a review to determine whether the video breached South Korean law.

The KCSC stated that the video is typical of content linked to psychological warfare against South Korea. It was posted on a channel operated to connect with the outside world and primarily focused on unilaterally idolizing and glorifying Kim Jong-un. The regulator emphasized that the ban is in line with South Korea’s national security act, which blocks access to North Korean government websites and media to restrict exposure to the regime’s propaganda efforts.

The song’s lyrics include lines such as “Let’s sing, Kim Jong-un the great leader” and “Let’s brag about Kim Jong-un, a friendly father.” These exaggerated demonstrations of loyalty are common in North Korean state media, which often showcases citizens’ devotion to their leaders to consolidate power and craft a personality cult around them.

Historical Context and Ongoing Tensions

The decision to ban the “Friendly Father” video is not an isolated incident. Last year, South Korea’s regulator blocked access to several North Korean propaganda YouTube channels at the request of the country’s spy agency. The two Koreas have a long history of tension, stemming from the Korean War, which ended in an armistice in 1953 rather than a peace treaty. As a result, the two nations are still technically at war.

South Korea’s actions reflect its ongoing efforts to counter North Korean propaganda and prevent the spread of content that could incite or glorify the regime’s activities. The ban on the “Friendly Father” video is part of a broader strategy to protect South Korean society from the influence of North Korean psychological warfare.

The Role of Social Media in Propaganda

The viral spread of the “Friendly Father” song on TikTok highlights the power of social media in disseminating content across borders. While North Korea’s state media likely intended the song to bolster internal support for Kim Jong-un, its reach on platforms like TikTok has given it a global audience.

This phenomenon raises questions about the role of social media in the spread of propaganda. Platforms like TikTok have the potential to amplify messages, regardless of their origin, and make them accessible to millions of users worldwide. This can be particularly concerning when it comes to content that promotes authoritarian regimes or glorifies controversial leaders.

In response to these challenges, countries like South Korea are taking steps to regulate access to such content. By banning the “Friendly Father” video, South Korea aims to mitigate the potential impact of North Korean propaganda on its citizens and maintain national security.

International Reactions and Implications

The international community has taken note of South Korea’s decision to ban the “Friendly Father” video. While some may view the ban as a necessary measure to protect national security, others may see it as a form of censorship that restricts freedom of expression.

The situation also underscores the complex relationship between North and South Korea. Despite ongoing efforts to engage in dialogue and improve relations, the two nations remain deeply divided. The spread of North Korean propaganda on social media adds another layer of complexity to this already fraught relationship.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected through digital platforms, the challenge of managing the spread of propaganda and misinformation will continue to grow. Countries will need to find a balance between protecting national security and upholding principles of free expression.


1. Why did South Korea ban the “Friendly Father” music video?

South Korea banned the “Friendly Father” music video because it idolizes and glorifies North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The decision was made to prevent the spread of North Korean propaganda and protect national security.

2. What is the “Friendly Father” song about?

The “Friendly Father” song praises North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, portraying him as the “father of the nation.” The music video features soldiers, workers, and students dancing and giving thumbs up, showcasing exaggerated demonstrations of loyalty.

3. How did the “Friendly Father” song go viral?

The “Friendly Father” song went viral on the social media platform TikTok, where users shared and engaged with the catchy tune. Despite being a North Korean propaganda song, it captured the attention of millions globally, including in the United States.

4. What is the Korea Communications Standards Commission (KCSC)?

The Korea Communications Standards Commission (KCSC) is South Korea’s media regulator. It is responsible for overseeing and regulating media content to ensure it complies with national laws and standards, including those related to national security.

5. What are the implications of the “Friendly Father” song going viral?

The viral spread of the “Friendly Father” song highlights the power of social media in disseminating content across borders. It raises concerns about the role of platforms like TikTok in amplifying propaganda and the challenges of managing the spread of such content in an interconnected world.

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