Will Smith Says I Am Legend Dog Co-Star Was A Brilliant Actress

Will Smith Says I Am Legend Dog Co-Star Was A Brilliant Actress

Will Smith recently opened up about his unforgettable experience working with his canine co-star, Abbey, in the 2007 film “I Am Legend.” The actor fondly recalled the German Shepherd as a “brilliant actress” and shared his attempts to adopt her after filming wrapped.

During a recent episode of “Hot Ones,” Smith reminisced about his time with Abbey, who played his character’s loyal companion, Sam. “It was like Abbey spoke English,” Smith said, marveling at her ability to understand commands and perform complex actions. “She literally could understand you; it was the weirdest thing.”

Smith’s admiration for Abbey extended beyond the set. He revealed that he tried to bring her home, but it wasn’t possible. “Abbey was the breadwinner of her family, and she had to stay,” Smith explained to host Sean Evans, highlighting the dog’s professional commitments.

In “I Am Legend,” Smith portrayed Dr. Robert Neville, a US Army virologist who is the last human survivor in a post-apocalyptic New York City overrun by nocturnal mutants. Abbey’s character, Sam, was Neville’s only companion as he searched for a cure to the virus that decimated humanity.

One of the film’s most poignant scenes involved Neville having to euthanize Sam after she became infected. Smith recounted how Abbey’s training allowed her to perform the heartbreaking moment with remarkable realism. “Abbey’s doing that. He trained Abbey to go limp, and I laid her down. How do you train a dog to go limp?” Smith wondered aloud, praising her performance.

Smith’s affection for Abbey was evident when he paid tribute to her on National Pet Day in April. He shared a video montage of their moments together, set to an emotional song, captioning it, “The goodness girl.”

The bond between Smith and Abbey left a lasting impression on the actor, who described working with her as akin to collaborating with a talented human actress. “It was like working with a brilliant actress,” he said, emphasizing her exceptional abilities.

The legacy of “I Am Legend” continues, with a sequel in the works. Smith and Michael B. Jordan are set to co-produce and co-star in the follow-up film. Jordan recently shared updates on the project, stating that they are still refining the script. “We’re still working on the script and getting that up to par. It doesn’t have a release date or anything like that,” Jordan told People. “I’m not sure exactly where we’re going to be filming that one, but I’m really excited to get in front of the camera with him.”

Jordan expressed his enthusiasm for working with Smith, someone he has long admired. “Being somebody that I’ve looked up to for a really long time, to be able to work with Will is something I’m really looking forward to. I’m really excited,” he added.

Smith’s reflections on his time with Abbey highlight the unique bond that can form between human and animal co-stars. Despite the challenges of working with animals, Smith’s experience with Abbey was overwhelmingly positive, leaving him with cherished memories of his “brilliant” canine partner.

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