With Lexi, They Demystify Dyslexia Through a Colorful Children’s Book

With Lexi, They Demystify Dyslexia Through a Colorful Children’s Book

Lexi - Hablemos de Dislexia

Since last Saturday, July 13th, the unique children’s play "Lexi, Let’s Talk About Dyslexia" has been showing at Teatro Picadero (Pasaje Santos Discépolo 1857, CABA). This play aims to shed light on and demystify dyslexia, a condition more common than most people think. In a Zoom conversation, the playwright, Delfina Perri, explained her intention to highlight the challenges that dyslexia presents while also revealing its wonderful abilities. Her goal is to provide each child with the necessary support to help them develop their full potential.

Eli, a 9-year-old girl, feels like she’s always falling short. She struggles in school, gets reprimanded, and receives poor grades. Despite her great imagination and unique skills, no one seems to recognize her abilities. Everything changes when Lexi, a funny, mischievous, and creative character, appears and decides to stay by Eli’s side for life. Lexi brings a mix of challenges and virtues, wanting to accompany Eli everywhere, even though she tries to push him away. As difficulties at school escalate, and despite her significant efforts, her parents and teachers still believe she isn’t trying hard enough. Lexi then cleverly disguises himself as a school inspector to teach everyone a lesson. Through dedication, patience, and love, they eventually find their way. This is how Delfina described the creation process of this unique proposition.

The performance includes Luján Blaksley, Cristian Zeballo, Denise Corron, Andrea Cho, Agustín Morcillo, Juan López Boyadjian, Lucía Hunicken, and Micaela Jacu. The production features music by Diego Lozano, vocal direction by Eugenia Gil Rodríguez, and general direction by Lali Vidal and Fede Fedele. The play also boasts stunning costumes by Gustavo Alderete (La Polilla). Showtimes are Wednesday to Friday at 5 PM, and Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 PM. Find more information about the tickets [here].

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