Zionist organizations accused Bercovich of being a “name bearer”: “I am the terrorist they were looking for”

Zionist organizations accused Bercovich of being a “name bearer”: “I am the terrorist they were looking for”

Alejandro Bercovich has sparked controversy once again in his ongoing clash with Jewish organizations. This time, the dispute revolves around his criticism of AMIA President Amos Linetzky’s speech during a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the bombing that killed 85 people on July 18, 1994.

In a bold statement made while wearing a red balaclava, Bercovich declared, “It seems that I am now labeled a terrorist. That’s why I put on a red balaclava, which symbolizes nothing more than that. My retreat into hiding was prompted by being called a terrorist for speaking out as a Jew against those who supposedly defend Jews from discrimination. It’s unbelievable. But here I am. Do what you want to me. Take away my identity. Take away my surname. Here I am—the terrorist you were looking for.”

Professional and critical journalism is a fundamental cornerstone of democracy, and such expressions often ruffle the feathers of those who consider themselves the gatekeepers of truth.

After removing the balaclava, Bercovich expressed his discontent with the statement released by the Argentine Zionist Organization. He remarked, “Aside from trying to make light of it, I’m called a terrorist, and it’s implied that I’m almost to blame for the AMIA bombing. There was also a prior statement from the Argentine Zionist Organization that outright denies my status as a Jew. It refers to me merely by my surname, with a level of violence I never thought I’d encounter from an organization that represents a community.”

The Argentine Zionist Organization responded via a statement that condemned Bercovich’s remarks. They accused him of lacking justification for his accusations, describing them as politically motivated. The organization emphasized the importance of seeking justice for the heinous AMIA attack and affirmed Israel’s legitimate right to self-defense.

In its editorial, Bercovich had previously pointed out that Linetzky’s comments were aligned with the current political climate, criticizing various organizations for their responses to global events. He also asserted that Linetzky’s remarks are a reflection of a broader reality that has persisted for decades, particularly in the context of the Middle Eastern conflict.

Meanwhile, the DAIA, another prominent Jewish organization, expressed that Bercovich’s associations were reminiscent of terrorism, which has claimed lives in Argentina and elsewhere, including Israel. They defended Linetzky, stating that his speech highlighted a continuous threat and a silent complicity with states that perpetuate hatred against the Jewish people.

Bercovich’s remarks and the ensuing reactions reveal a complex posturing around identity, politics, and the narrative surrounding the Jewish community in Argentina, underscoring the contentious relationship between free speech and community dynamics.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/actualidad/organizaciones-sionistas-acusaron-a-bercovich-de-portador-de-apellido-aca-estoy-soy-el-terrorista-que-estaban-buscando.phtml

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