Grettell Valdez and Son Involved in Serious Accident at Asian Race: “It Was Terrifying”

Grettell Valdez and Son Involved in Serious Accident at Asian Race: “It Was Terrifying”

Grettel Valdez and her son Santino recently enjoyed a holiday in several Asian countries. However, their trip took a frightening turn when they were involved in a car accident on their way to the airport. Grettel shared the dramatic experience in an Instagram video.

In her video, she explained, “Our taxi driver hit a rock, and the gas tank cracked, causing a gas leak and a horrible smell. We were terrified and ran away quickly. The heat was extreme, and we feared it could explode at any moment. You can’t imagine how scared we were!” She also mentioned how the police arrived to assist them while they were in a patrol car, drenched in sweat from the heat.

Later, after boarding their flight, Grettel revealed more about the incident. “As we were traveling to the airport, we suddenly heard a loud crash. The driver apologized, but Santino pointed out that it smelled like gasoline. We asked him to pull over because the scent was overwhelming,” she recounted in another video. “The crash had indeed ruptured the tank, causing gasoline to spill everywhere, and the floor was burning. The driver was shouting for us to run away, and my only concern was, ‘What about my suitcases?'”

The police arrived quickly, helping them into a patrol car to escape the intense heat. Grettel described the chaos as the driver panicked and started removing their suitcases. “I was scared, as was Santino. We were worried that the taxi could explode at any moment. We kept asking how far we needed to stay away,” she continued. “As suitcases passed by, we would grab them and run.”

Fortunately, after this harrowing experience, Grettel managed to reassure her 15-year-old son. “When the taxi finally arrived, I told Santino, ‘I want to cry,’ and he calmly said, ‘Mom, just relax.’ I tried to stay composed for his sake, and he did a great job of remaining level-headed.”

Despite the fear they faced during the ordeal, Grettel and Santino now consider it a story to tell.

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