Alex Rodriguez Waited for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez to Split

Alex Rodriguez Waited for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez to Split

Alex Rodriguez has reportedly been keeping a close eye on the relationship between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, eagerly awaiting any signs of trouble. The former baseball star, who was engaged to Lopez before their split in 2021, is said to be feeling a sense of vindication amid rumors of a potential breakup between the Hollywood power couple.

According to an insider who spoke to InTouch Weekly on June 7, 2024, Rodriguez has harbored some lingering resentment towards Lopez. “Alex fell apart when J.Lo ran off with Ben,” the source revealed. “He felt like she tossed him out with the trash when she got a better offer from Ben, and it did a huge number on him.”

The source went on to describe how difficult the breakup was for Rodriguez. “He went from planning a wedding to watching her marry someone else in what felt like the blink of an eye. It was the worst year of his life, and to make things ten times worse, J. Lo didn’t have an ounce of empathy for him. She flaunted her romance with Ben every chance she got.”

Shortly after Rodriguez and Lopez ended their engagement, Lopez was seen rekindling her romance with Affleck, whom she had dated from 2002 to 2004. “To see [Jen] getting some karma for her actions is pretty sweet, even if [A-Rod] wouldn’t admit that publicly,” the insider added. “His friends all know he’s been waiting for things with her and Ben to crash and burn.”

InTouch Weekly was the first to report that Ben and Jen were seemingly headed for divorce. “The writing is on the wall—it’s over. They’re headed for a divorce—and for once, [Ben’s] not to blame!” a source told the outlet. “He’s focusing on his work and his kids now. Ben already moved out and they’ll likely have to sell the dream house they spent two years searching for. They’ll never stop loving each other, but she can’t control him, and he can’t change her. There’s no way it could have lasted.”

The history between Lopez and Affleck is well-documented. The couple, famously known as “Bennifer,” first got together in the early 2000s and quickly became one of Hollywood’s most talked-about pairs. They got engaged in 2002 but called off their wedding in 2003, eventually splitting in 2004. Both went on to marry other people—Lopez to Marc Anthony and Affleck to Jennifer Garner—before reuniting nearly two decades later.

Their rekindled romance seemed like a fairy tale, culminating in a surprise Las Vegas wedding in July 2022, followed by a second, more lavish ceremony in Georgia. The couple appeared to be deeply in love, often seen enjoying romantic getaways and blending their families.

However, the pressures of their high-profile relationship and their busy careers may have taken a toll. Reports of tension and disagreements have surfaced, leading to speculation that their marriage might be on the rocks.

For Rodriguez, who has been watching from the sidelines, the potential breakup of Lopez and Affleck could feel like a form of poetic justice. “He’s been waiting for this moment,” the insider said. “It’s not that he wishes ill on them, but he feels like he’s finally getting some closure.”

Rodriguez and Lopez’s relationship was also highly publicized. They began dating in 2017 and got engaged in 2019. Their split in 2021 came as a shock to many, especially since they had been planning a wedding and seemed to be a perfect match. The breakup was reportedly amicable, but Rodriguez was deeply hurt by how quickly Lopez moved on with Affleck.

As rumors of a Bennifer breakup continue to swirl, Rodriguez remains focused on his own life and career. He has been seen spending time with his daughters and focusing on his business ventures. “He’s in a good place now,” the source said. “He’s moved on, but that doesn’t mean he’s forgotten what happened.”

The saga of Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, and Alex Rodriguez is a reminder of how complicated relationships can be, especially when they play out in the public eye. While Rodriguez may find some satisfaction in the potential end of Bennifer, it’s clear that all parties involved have experienced their share of heartache and challenges.

As the world watches to see what happens next, one thing is certain: the drama surrounding these three celebrities is far from over. Whether Lopez and Affleck can work through their issues or decide to part ways, their story will continue to captivate fans and tabloids alike. And for Rodriguez, the end of Bennifer might just be the closure he’s been waiting for.

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