American Pie Star Jason Biggs Becomes Class Mom

American Pie Star Jason Biggs Becomes Class Mom

Jason Biggs, the actor best known for his role in the “American Pie” series, is now making waves in a different role: as a class mom. The 46-year-old actor has taken on the role of class mom for his son Sid’s class, becoming the only father in the class to do so. This hands-on approach to parenting has not only impressed other parents but also his wife, actress and author Jenny Mollen.

Mollen, who co-hosts the TBS revival of “Dinner and a Movie” with Biggs, shared her admiration for her husband’s dedication to parenting. “He’s really a mom,” she said, noting how Biggs goes above and beyond in his parental duties. “He goes to the park with snacks and friends and a giant backpack filled with things, and I show up with like a car key and a half-consumed bottle of Pellegrino and like maybe one shoe.”

The couple, who live in Manhattan’s West Village with their two sons, Sid, 10, and Lazlo, 6, have found a balance in their parenting styles. On Father’s Day, Mollen plans to pamper Biggs in a way that mirrors traditional Mother’s Day celebrations. “Jason loves flowers. He loves pedicures,” she said. “So it’s like, picture what you do for your mom on Mother’s Day and rinse and repeat.”

Biggs’ involvement as a class mom includes organizing class trips, sending out emails after class parent meetings, and coordinating end-of-year gifts for teachers. He recently chaperoned a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a role that has become highly competitive among parents. “Everyone wants to chaperone,” he said. “When I was a kid, it was like you had to pay parents off the street. But now it’s like there’s a whole group of us helicopter parents just knocking at the door, ready to get in.”

Despite their celebrity status, Biggs and Mollen find that parents at their children’s school are largely unimpressed. “In LA, I feel like celebrity is the currency, but in New York City, it’s like everybody’s doing something crazier than the next person,” Mollen said. “So even if they were impressed, they would never want you to know it.”

Biggs, who grew up in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, has come a long way since his breakout role as Jim in the 1999 hit comedy “American Pie.” He recalled the first time he brought a VHS copy of the film home to his parents, feeling nervous about their reaction to the infamous pie scene. “I was really nervous about the pie scene, but I heard them just laugh out loud and I was very relieved,” he said. His father, Gary, was particularly proud, often watching the film whenever it airs on television.

Biggs remains close with his “American Pie” co-star Eugene Levy, who played his father in the film series. When Levy received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in March, Biggs was there to honor him. “He’s one of the nicest, best guys ever,” Biggs said.

In addition to his acting career, Biggs has faced personal challenges, including a battle with alcohol and drug addiction. He celebrated one year of sobriety in 2018, a milestone he shared on Instagram. “I’m as proud of it as anything in my life,” he wrote, encouraging others struggling with addiction to seek help.

Biggs’ journey to sobriety has been supported by Mollen, who celebrated his achievement with a heartfelt Instagram post. “So proud of my husband today. Congrats baby. I know how hard you work. I see you. I love you,” she wrote.

Now more than one year sober, Biggs continues to focus on his family and career. He has appeared in the sitcom “Outmatched” (2020), guest-starred on “The Masked Singer” (2020), and hosted “Cherries Wild” (2021).

As Biggs navigates his roles as an actor, husband, and father, his commitment to his family remains unwavering. His involvement as a class mom is just one example of how he is redefining traditional parenting roles and setting a new standard for fatherhood.

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