Anne Hathaway’s Hair Pin Hack for Fuller Lips Goes Viral

Anne Hathaway’s Hair Pin Hack for Fuller Lips Goes Viral

Anne Hathaway’s Hair Pin Hack for Fuller Lips Goes Viral

Anne Hathaway has once again captured the internet’s attention, this time with an unexpected beauty tip that has taken TikTok by storm. The 41-year-old actress recently shared a video on her TikTok account, revealing a quirky yet effective method for achieving fuller lips using a simple hairpin. The video, filmed during a campaign shoot for skincare brand Shiseido, has quickly gone viral, amassing over 1.2 million views and sparking a wave of admiration and amusement among her fans.

In the video, Hathaway begins by holding up a hairpin and playfully introducing her beauty hack as a “little tip of Lip Tok.” Her stylist, Adir Abergel, chimes in to explain the term, humorously noting that it’s a play on “TikTok,” to which Hathaway responds with a laugh, “Oh no, they’re young, they understand.”

The Princess Diaries star goes on to explain that she wasn’t entirely pleased with how her lips looked on the monitor during the shoot. “We get on the set and I take a look at the monitor and I noticed, I thought my upper lip looked, I don’t know, just a little wilted,” she shares. In a moment of inspiration, she asked Abergel for a bobby pin, but quickly corrected herself, noting that it was actually a hairpin she needed.

Hathaway then demonstrates her technique, holding the open hairpin from the bottom and gently patting it on her upper lip. “I went in, and I sort of stimulated my lip, to try to get some blood flow back there,” she explains, while performing the lip-plumping hack. “To get some circulation, and everybody looked at me like I had three heads.”

She also issues a safety warning to her fans, emphasizing the importance of being gentle. “You can overdo this. You can push too hard,” Hathaway cautions. “It’s meant to be a gentle, gentle thing that you don’t do for longer than 30 seconds. You don’t stab yourself. If you’ve drawn blood, you’ve gone too far.”

Hathaway concludes the video by highlighting the simplicity and quickness of her lip-plumping hack. “It’s just a little something to kind of wake your upper lip up,” she says, adding in the caption, “The more you know.”

The video has resonated deeply with her audience, particularly Generation Z, who have praised Hathaway for her relatable and humorous approach. “WHY THIS IS SO GEN Z CODE?? THE TALK? THE EDITING?? THIS IS WHY WE LOVE YOU ANNE HATHAWAY,” one fan commented. Another added, “Anne Hathaway in her Gen Z era.”

Other viewers have humorously suggested that Hathaway could easily transition into a beauty influencer role. “We love a queen that doesn’t gatekeep!” one fan wrote, while another exclaimed, “OH OKAY ANNE HATHAWAY IN HER INFLUENCER ERA!!!”

Hathaway’s foray into TikTok has been met with enthusiasm from her fans. Her first video on the platform, which reflected on her most memorable moments over the past four years, including her favorite acting roles and iconic fashion looks, was a hit. The video also featured clips of her interactions with fans and her viral dance moves at the Valentino Paris Fashion Week after-party.

In her debut TikTok video, Hathaway humorously acknowledged that she had forgotten to join the platform earlier. “I forgot to join TikTok,” she quipped, adding a touch of self-deprecating humor that has endeared her to fans.

Hathaway’s latest video, with its blend of humor, relatability, and practical beauty advice, has solidified her status as a beloved figure on social media. Her lip-plumping hack, while unconventional, has clearly struck a chord with viewers, many of whom are eager to try it out for themselves.

As Hathaway continues to share glimpses of her life and beauty routines on TikTok, her fans can look forward to more entertaining and insightful content. Whether she’s reminiscing about her iconic roles or sharing simple beauty tips, Hathaway’s presence on the platform is a delightful addition to the world of social media.

So, the next time you’re looking for a quick and easy way to achieve fuller lips, why not give Anne Hathaway’s hairpin hack a try? Just remember to be gentle and avoid drawing blood—after all, it’s not a vampire LipTok, as Hathaway humorously reminds us.

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