Audio Clips of Trump Repeatedly Calling Taylor Swift ‘Beautiful’

Audio Clips of Trump Repeatedly Calling Taylor Swift ‘Beautiful’

In a series of audio clips aired by CNN on Wednesday, former President Donald Trump can be heard repeatedly calling pop star Taylor Swift “beautiful.” The recordings, which were first reported by Variety earlier this month, were captured last November by Ramin Setoodeh, Co-Editor-in-Chief of Variety, for his book “Apprentice in Wonderland,” which delves into Trump’s reality television background.

During the interview, Trump, who is 44 years older than Swift, lavished praise on the singer’s appearance. “I think she’s beautiful—very beautiful. I find her very beautiful,” Trump said. “I think she’s liberal. She probably doesn’t like Trump. I hear she’s very talented. I think she’s very beautiful, actually—unusually beautiful.”

Setoodeh, who has interviewed Trump six times since May 2021, shared his insights on CNN, noting that Trump’s comments were likely a strategic move. “Since Trump knows Swift is too famous for him to ‘go up against her,’ this was his way of saying he likes her ‘in the hopes that, somehow, Taylor Swift will like him back,'” Setoodeh explained. He also mentioned that Trump appeared “meandering and confusing” and exhibited “some cognitive questions” during their sit-downs.

The audio clips have sparked a range of reactions, particularly given Trump’s history of criticizing Swift for her political endorsements. In the past, Swift has been vocal about her support for Democratic candidates, including President Joe Biden, which has put her at odds with Trump and his supporters.

On CNN’s “OutFront,” host Erin Burnett played the audio clips and discussed them with Setoodeh. “Five times,” Burnett noted, referring to the number of times Trump called Swift “beautiful” in his response. She then asked Setoodeh to elaborate on Trump’s apparent fascination with Swift.

“It’s interesting because, in this audio clip, we have an intersection of two of the things that matter most to Donald Trump,” Setoodeh replied. “Fame, which Taylor Swift is one of the most famous people on the planet. And his perception of beauty. And I think even Donald Trump knows that Taylor Swift is so famous, that he can’t go up against her even though she didn’t endorse him in 2020. And so you hear him kind of trying to negotiate what to say about her.”

Setoodeh also revealed that when he asked Trump if he was familiar with Swift’s music, Trump admitted he was not. “But this is his way of trying to say that he likes Taylor Swift in the hopes that somehow Taylor Swift will like him back,” Setoodeh added.

The release of these audio clips comes at a time when Swift is once again in the spotlight, not just for her music but also for her rumored relationship with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. This relationship has been the subject of various conspiracy theories among some right-wing circles, who have suggested that it is part of a larger plot to endorse President Biden and ensure his re-election.

Despite the controversy, Swift has continued to use her platform to advocate for political and social causes. She has been particularly vocal about issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and voter registration. Her influence extends far beyond her music, making her one of the most powerful voices in contemporary pop culture.

Trump’s comments about Swift’s beauty have also reignited discussions about his views on women. Throughout his career, Trump has been criticized for his objectification of women and his often inappropriate remarks. These latest comments about Swift are seen by many as a continuation of that pattern.

In the broader context, Trump’s remarks about Swift highlight the complex relationship between celebrities and politics. While some celebrities, like Swift, use their fame to advocate for political causes, others, like Trump, have transitioned from entertainment to political leadership. This intersection of fame and politics raises questions about the influence of celebrity culture on public opinion and political outcomes.

As the audio clips continue to circulate, they serve as a reminder of the enduring impact of Trump’s words and actions. Whether or not Swift responds to these comments remains to be seen, but the incident underscores the ongoing scrutiny faced by public figures in the age of social media and 24-hour news cycles.

In conclusion, the audio clips of Trump repeatedly calling Taylor Swift “beautiful” have sparked a range of reactions and discussions. They offer a glimpse into Trump’s views on fame and beauty, while also highlighting the complex relationship between celebrities and politics. As the story continues to unfold, it serves as a reminder of the power of words and the lasting impact of public statements.

Source: CNN, Variety

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