Authorities Investigating Windham County School Bus Crash

Authorities Investigating Windham County School Bus Crash

Vermont authorities are currently investigating a school bus crash that occurred in Windham County’s town of Athens on Thursday morning. The incident took place around 7:15 a.m. on Route 35, according to officials from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

The driver, identified as 75-year-old Randall McDonald, reportedly lost control of the bus, causing it to veer off the road. Fortunately, all seven students on board, along with McDonald, were able to exit the bus without sustaining any injuries.

Initial investigations have revealed that there were no apparent mechanical issues with the bus. This finding has led authorities to focus on other potential factors that could have contributed to the crash.

The incident has raised concerns among parents and the local community, prompting a thorough investigation to ensure the safety of school transportation in the area. Authorities are expected to conduct a detailed examination of the bus and review McDonald’s driving history as part of their ongoing investigation.

In the meantime, the school district has assured parents that they are taking all necessary measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. They have also expressed relief that no one was injured in the crash.

This incident is a stark reminder of the importance of safety in school transportation. Authorities are urging drivers to exercise caution, especially when transporting children, to prevent such accidents from occurring.

As the investigation continues, authorities are expected to provide updates on their findings and any potential measures that may be implemented to enhance the safety of school bus transportation in Windham County.

The community is closely monitoring the situation, and many are hopeful that the investigation will lead to improved safety protocols and prevent future accidents.

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