Big Bang Theory Fans Noticed an Issue With Penny and Bernadette in the Finale

Big Bang Theory Fans Noticed an Issue With Penny and Bernadette in the Finale

The series finale of “The Big Bang Theory” was an emotional rollercoaster for fans who had followed the show for 12 years. The hour-long episode, titled “The Change Constant” and “The Stockholm Syndrome,” brought closure to many storylines but also left some viewers with lingering questions, particularly about the characters Penny and Bernadette.

The episode begins in the early hours of the morning with Sheldon, Amy, Leonard, and Penny anxiously awaiting the Nobel committee’s announcement. After a tense moment filled with a prank call from Kripke, Amy finally receives the call confirming that she and Sheldon have won the Nobel Prize. The joy and disbelief are palpable, especially for Sheldon, who needs Leonard to slap him to confirm he’s not dreaming.

As the news spreads, Sheldon and Amy are bombarded by reporters outside their apartment. This scene includes a cameo from a real-life reporter, adding a touch of reality to the fictional world. The couple’s newfound fame becomes overwhelming, leading Sheldon to hide in his office and Amy to break down in the bathroom over unflattering photos of herself circulating online. Raj suggests a makeover, which Amy initially resists but eventually agrees to, leading to a significant transformation.

Amy’s makeover is one of the more controversial elements of the finale. While it’s understandable that she would want to look her best for such a monumental occasion, some fans felt it was out of character for Amy, who had always been confident in her unique style. The makeover, complete with a new haircut and business suit, shocks Sheldon, who struggles with the changes happening around him.

Meanwhile, the long-broken elevator in the apartment building is finally fixed, a symbolic moment that catches everyone off guard, especially Sheldon. This change, along with Amy’s new look, sends Sheldon into a tailspin, leading him to seek solace at the Cheesecake Factory with Penny. Their conversation reveals Sheldon’s deep-seated fear of change, despite the positive developments in his life.

Penny, who has always been a grounding force for Sheldon, helps him see that change is a natural part of life. However, another significant change is revealed when it’s disclosed that Penny is pregnant. This revelation is met with mixed reactions from fans, as Penny had previously expressed a desire not to have children. The showrunners explained that they wanted to show that life can take unexpected turns, but some viewers felt it contradicted Penny’s established character.

The finale also features a touching moment where Bernadette and Howard’s children are shown on screen for the first time. This was a long-awaited moment for fans who had been curious about the couple’s family life. Additionally, Raj’s storyline gets a sweet conclusion with a surprise appearance by Sarah Michelle Gellar, who accompanies him to the Nobel ceremony.

The Nobel ceremony itself is a highlight of the episode. Amy gives an inspiring speech encouraging young girls to pursue careers in STEM, a nod to actress Mayim Bialik’s real-life advocacy for science education. Sheldon’s speech, initially expected to be a self-centered monologue, turns into a heartfelt acknowledgment of his friends and their support. He asks them to stand, recognizing that his achievements are as much theirs as his own.

The final scene of the series is a quiet, poignant moment with the gang back in their apartment, eating Chinese food. The acoustic version of the show’s theme song plays in the background, and Penny is seen wearing the same turquoise top from the pilot episode, bringing the series full circle. It’s a fitting end to a show that has been a significant part of many viewers’ lives.

However, not all fans were satisfied with how the finale handled certain characters. Some felt that Penny’s pregnancy and Amy’s makeover were inconsistent with their established personalities. These changes, while intended to show growth and development, left some viewers feeling that the characters they had come to love were not given the endings they deserved.

In the end, “The Big Bang Theory” finale was a mix of heartfelt moments, significant character developments, and a few controversial choices. It provided closure for many storylines while leaving some questions unanswered, ensuring that the show will continue to be a topic of discussion among fans for years to come.

Source: Warner Bros. Entertainment, CBS

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