Bolaños reiterates that there is a “relentless persecution” against the president and warns: “Sánchez is here for many years to come.”

Bolaños reiterates that there is a “relentless persecution” against the president and warns: “Sánchez is here for many years to come.”

In a recent statement, Félix Bolaños, the Minister of the Presidency, Justice, and Relations with the Courts, expressed that there is a “relentless persecution” directed at Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and his family. This comment follows the news that a judge has summoned Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, to testify in a case that involves her.

Bolaños emphasized that this persecution is “obvious” and criticized the Popular Party (PP), Vox, and other right-wing organizations for their involvement in the accusations against Gómez. He reassured that Sánchez and his government will continue to lead for “many years” despite the attacks.

During a press conference held in Congress alongside Culture Minister Ernest Urtasun, Bolaños addressed the media about the government’s democratic regeneration plan, initiated by Sánchez. He lamented the situation and assured the public that the so-called “ultra-right hounds” will not succeed in their pursuits.

Just last Friday, after Gómez’s appearance in court, where she chose to exercise her right not to testify, Bolaños described the ongoing situation as an “inhumane and cruel” persecution. He particularly criticized Vox’s request for Sánchez to appear before the court as “absurd.”

On Monday, after Judge Juan Carlos Peinado requested to question Sánchez at La Moncloa, Bolaños reiterated his position, stating the ongoing actions against them resemble a “ruthless persecution.” He expressed that it is clear what is occurring in this political climate.

Bolaños explained that this campaign against the Prime Minister starts with far-right organizations, including Vox and other PP affiliates, filing false reports and demanding evidence that does not aim to clarify anything since there is nothing to investigate. He accused the PP and its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, of exploiting this situation politically, attempting to tarnish the reputation of honest individuals such as the Prime Minister’s wife.

When questioned directly about whether Sánchez would testify in person or submit a written statement, the minister did not provide clarity. Additionally, he did not confirm how they would challenge the judge’s decision that Sánchez should testify as a witness, a plan the Socialist Party (PSOE) announced on the same day.

After the meetings, Bolaños noted that he had read about some potential appeals against the judge’s decision but mentioned that they would wait for the competent courts to make a ruling. Beyond that, he stated he had little more to add to the discussion.

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