Britney Spears Says She’s Texting With Her Sons Amid Estrangement

Britney Spears Says She’s Texting With Her Sons Amid Estrangement

Britney Spears has recently shared a heartwarming update about her relationship with her two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, amid their ongoing estrangement. The pop icon, who has faced numerous personal challenges over the years, revealed that she has been texting with her boys, marking a significant step towards mending their strained relationship.

On June 14, Britney posted several photos on Instagram from her vacation in Mexico with her brother, Bryan Spears. In the caption, she mentioned that she had sent these pictures to her sons, which sparked a playful response from them. “Looking pretty dapper 👌🏼👌🏼 !!! I sent it to my kids and I think they got jealous because they said ‘that’s a filter … that’s not real’ 😂 !!!” she wrote. This light-hearted exchange is a positive sign, considering the rocky relationship she has had with her sons in recent years.

The relationship between Britney and her sons, whom she shares with ex-husband Kevin Federline, has been tumultuous. Sean Preston, 18, and Jayden James, 17, moved to Hawaii with their father and his wife, Victoria Prince, last year. The boys reportedly chose not to say goodbye to their mother in person, a decision that left Britney heartbroken. A source at the time mentioned that the boys wanted to avoid the drama of a face-to-face farewell, which was a tough pill for Britney to swallow.

Kevin Federline has previously spoken about the challenges their sons face due to Britney’s public persona and her frequent social media posts. He mentioned that her behavior and the risqué photos she posts on Instagram have been difficult for the boys to handle, especially as teenagers. “I try to explain to [their sons], ‘Look, maybe that’s just another way she tries to express herself,'” Kevin said in an interview. “But that doesn’t take away from the fact of what it does to them. It’s tough. I can’t imagine how it feels to be a teenager having to go to high school.”

Despite these challenges, Britney’s recent interactions with her sons suggest a glimmer of hope. In a since-deleted Instagram post, she expressed her love and well-wishes for her boys on their birthdays. “Happy birthday Preston and Jayden 🎉🎈!!! Love you both so much 🥰 !!!” she wrote, sharing photos from the previous year. This gesture, although small, indicates her ongoing efforts to reconnect with her children.

Jayden James has also shared his perspective on their relationship, expressing a desire for his mother to get better mentally. “I just want her to get better mentally. When she gets better I really want to see her again,” he said in an interview. He also sent a heartfelt message to Britney, saying, “I love you a lot, I hope for the best for you. Maybe one day we can sit down like this and talk again.”

Britney has been open about her struggles and her deep love for her sons. In a candid Instagram post, she admitted to feeling desperate and pathetic for trying to be involved in their lives. “I’m afraid to inform you guys, I’m not willing to see you until I feel valued,” she wrote. “All I know is my love for my children is more than anything and I’m sorry if I ever hurt you guys in any way.”

The singer’s relationship with her family has been strained since the termination of her conservatorship in November 2021. She remains estranged from her parents, Jamie and Lynne Spears, and her siblings, Jamie Lynn and Bryan. Her sons did not attend her wedding to Sam Asghari in June, although Kevin Federline mentioned that they were happy for her and hopeful for her future.

Britney’s dedication to her sons is evident in her new memoir, “The Woman in Me,” where she refers to Sean Preston and Jayden James as the “loves of [her] life.” The book, set to be released on October 24, delves into her personal experiences, including her relationship with her children.

The tension between Britney and her sons became public in August 2022 when Kevin Federline claimed that her Instagram posts had driven a wedge between her and the boys. Jayden also voiced his concerns, stating that he did not feel equally loved by his mother, which affected his relationship with his brother.

Despite the public drama, Britney has continued to express her love and longing for her sons. She has shared throwback photos and heartfelt messages, hoping to bridge the gap between them. Her recent efforts to communicate with them through text messages and social media posts indicate a willingness to heal and rebuild their relationship.

As Britney navigates this challenging period, her fans and supporters remain hopeful that she and her sons will find a way to reconnect and strengthen their bond. The journey towards reconciliation may be long and complex, but the recent positive interactions suggest that there is still hope for a brighter future for Britney and her beloved boys.

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