Brooklyn Peltz-Beckham Teases New Business Venture

Brooklyn Peltz-Beckham Teases New Business Venture

Brooklyn Peltz-Beckham Teases New Business Venture

Brooklyn Peltz-Beckham is gearing up to unveil what he describes as the most significant project of his career. The eldest son of David and Victoria Beckham has been candid about his journey, sharing insights into his evolving passions and future aspirations.

In a recent interview with InStyle, Peltz-Beckham reflected on his life in the public eye. He admitted that while he has explored various interests, it took time to find his true calling. “I tried football, but it didn’t pan out. Then I ventured into photography, which was enjoyable for a few years. I’ve also dabbled in modeling,” he shared.

This September, Peltz-Beckham will launch Cloud23, a groundbreaking project in collaboration with Whole Foods. He describes it as the most ambitious endeavor he has ever undertaken. “It’s been a passion project for the past two and a half years. I’ve poured everything into it,” he said. “I’ve never worked so hard on anything. What I’m releasing is something unprecedented. I love being the first to do something unique. I found this incredible niche, and it turned out amazing. I’m just excited for people to experience it.”

Peltz-Beckham also took a moment to discuss his upbringing, highlighting his parents’ supportive and loving approach. “They didn’t care what I did, as long as I was nice, humble, and hardworking,” he said. “They always told me, ‘You can do whatever you want, just strive to be the best at it.'”

Brooklyn and his wife, Nicola Peltz-Beckham, have become regulars at the Met Gala, often coordinating their outfits for the event. However, this year, Brooklyn attended solo, explaining Nicola’s absence on Instagram. “Missing my beautiful wife tonight, but happy she’s with Naunni. Can’t wait to see you both tomorrow,” he wrote, referring to Nicola’s grandmother.

At the gala, Brooklyn sported a cream-colored Dior suit, one of the evening’s popular choices. He joked with the press about missing Nicola but assured he would still enjoy the event. “Guess I’ll have to settle for all these beautiful celebrities instead,” he quipped.

The couple has attended three Met Galas together, often making a fashion statement. Last year, they wore complementary black and white outfits, aligning with the theme “Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty.” Brooklyn donned a black suit with a translucent shirt and pearl necklaces, while Nicola wore a white dress with black accents and striking jewelry.

Recently, Nicola made her directorial debut with the film “Lola,” where Brooklyn hoped to make a cameo. However, his scene was cut due to his inability to drop his British accent. “Brooklyn was really upset about being cut,” Nicola revealed. “He had one line, ‘Hi,’ but kept saying it in a British accent and staring into the camera. We had to move on.”

Despite the cut, Nicola appreciated Brooklyn’s support on set. “I couldn’t have done any of this without him. He was a massive support every day,” she said. Brooklyn, although disappointed, took it in stride, even joking about it in the editing room.

Brooklyn continues to explore his culinary passion, recently partnering with Uber Eats to launch a pop-up restaurant in London. The restaurant will feature five of his favorite dishes, including a 12-hour slow-cooked Wagyu Bolognese and an English Breakfast Sandwich inspired by his Nanny Peggy.

“My Nanny Peggy taught me how to make her English Breakfast sandwich when I was five, and it’s been my favorite ever since,” Brooklyn shared. He also mentioned that cooking has been a bonding activity with his father. “Spending time in the kitchen is something my dad and I bond over. Even though I think I make a better English Breakfast sandwich, he does a pretty good one too,” he revealed.

The pop-up restaurant is part of the Uber Eats Hosts series, which has previously featured renowned establishments like the double Michelin-starred Welsh restaurant, Ynyshir. For two weeks, Londoners will have the opportunity to enjoy Brooklyn’s curated dishes, delivered directly to their homes via Uber Eats.

Brooklyn Peltz-Beckham’s journey is a testament to his relentless pursuit of passion and innovation. As he prepares to launch Cloud23, the world eagerly awaits to see what this new venture will bring.

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