BTOB’s Changsub Discusses Catching & Reporting a Molka Perpetrator on ‘Jeongwaja’

BTOB’s Changsub Discusses Catching & Reporting a Molka Perpetrator on ‘Jeongwaja’

BTOB’s Changsub recently shared a remarkable story on his YouTube show “Jeongwaja” (Changing Majors) that has garnered significant attention. During an episode, Changsub recounted an incident where he and a friend caught a man secretly filming with a hidden camera, known as “molka,” in a bathhouse.

Changsub explained that upon noticing the suspicious activity, he and his friend apprehended the perpetrator and took him to the police station. The police later called Changsub back to provide testimony after their investigation confirmed the crime.

This revelation has been met with widespread praise, with fans expressing admiration for Changsub’s courage and sense of justice. One fan tweeted, “This is why I love BTOB. Despite being a celebrity, they’re not scared to do the right thing.”

Changsub’s YouTube series has been incredibly popular, with each video amassing millions of views. His story not only highlights his bravery but also serves as a positive example of how celebrities can use their influence for good.

Source: K-Entertainment

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