California DA ‘disappointed’ as doctor who drove Tesla off cliff gets mental health diversion

California DA ‘disappointed’ as doctor who drove Tesla off cliff gets mental health diversion

A California doctor accused of intentionally driving his family off a cliff in a Tesla has been granted the opportunity to avoid trial through a mental health diversion program. Dharmesh Patel, a radiologist, was charged with three counts of attempted murder after the January 2, 2023 incident, where his vehicle plunged off a 250-foot cliff known as Devil’s Slide in Northern California. Miraculously, Patel, his wife, and their two young children survived the crash.

On June 20, a San Mateo County judge approved Patel’s request to participate in the mental health diversion program, which could lead to the dismissal of the charges against him. This decision has sparked disappointment from San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe, who expressed his discontent with the ruling. “Judge Jakubowski carefully weighed the evidence and the facts and went the other way,” Wagstaffe said. “If I were judge, I would definitely have ruled the opposite, but that is how our criminal justice system works. We do not get to win them all.”

Mental health diversion programs are becoming increasingly popular across the United States as an alternative to traditional jail sentences. These programs are designed for defendants struggling with mental health issues, substance abuse, or other specific needs. Participants are generally required to undergo therapy or medical services tailored to their conditions. Successful completion of these programs often results in the avoidance of harsher sentences or trials, and in some cases, the charges may be dismissed entirely.

Patel’s case has drawn significant attention due to the severity of the charges and the miraculous survival of his family. His wife, who initially told rescuers that Patel had intentionally driven the car off the cliff, later requested that he not be prosecuted and asked for his release from jail. During the hearing, Judge Susan Jakubowski determined that Patel was eligible for the state’s mental health diversion program, diagnosing him with major depressive disorder, a qualifying mental disorder under the statute.

Patel has been in custody since his arrest and will remain in jail for a few more weeks during a “bridging period” before his official release. The judge has ordered that Patel return to court weekly for progress reports, be monitored by GPS, reside at his parents’ home in San Mateo County, and only leave his residence for court or mental health treatment sessions for the first two months. Additionally, Patel must test twice a week to show medication compliance, abstain from alcohol and drugs, possess no weapons, and surrender his driver’s license and passport.

Wagstaffe emphasized that the charges against Patel have been suspended and will be dismissed if he successfully completes the two-year diversion program. However, if Patel violates any of the program’s requirements, the diversion could be revoked, and the attempted murder charges would proceed. “If during the two years he violates any of the requirements for diversion that Judge Jakubowski will impose, he can have his diversion revoked and the charges of attempted murder will go forward,” Wagstaffe said.

Patel’s attorney did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Meanwhile, Wagstaffe expressed his frustration with the broader implications of the ruling, criticizing the California Legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom for including violent crimes like attempted murder within the mental health diversion law. “I disagree fervently with their conclusion,” Wagstaffe stated.

The case has also sparked discussions about the role of mental health in the criminal justice system. Legal analyst Steven Clark noted the significance of Patel’s profession as a doctor who took an oath to save lives. “It’s important to recognize that this is a man who took an oath to save lives, not to kill people. And I think the defense demonstrated this was completely out of character and never would have happened, but for his mental illness,” Clark said.

Patel’s wife and children have shown support for him, with his wife vouching for his character and asking for leniency. “The fact that his family came forward and said give him a second chance, this may not have happened if his wife came to court and said he needs to go to jail,” Clark added.

The judge’s ruling underscores the importance of addressing mental health issues within the legal system. “The legislature says, we want to look at treatment programs instead of incarceration. The question will be, does Dr. Patel follow through with his treatment program,” Clark said. If Patel successfully completes the program, he may even have the opportunity to return to practicing medicine.

The next hearing is scheduled for July 1 to finalize the details of Patel’s treatment program. As the case continues to unfold, it highlights the complexities of balancing public safety with the need for compassionate mental health care within the criminal justice system.

Source: Business Insider, KGO-TV, KRON-TV, AP News

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