Captain America Star Frank Grillo on D-Day Says Real Men Aren’t in LA

Captain America Star Frank Grillo on D-Day Says Real Men Aren’t in LA

Frank Grillo, known for his rugged roles and intense on-screen presence, recently made headlines with his candid remarks about the difference between real men and Hollywood actors. The “Captain America” star, who has portrayed the formidable Crossbones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, shared his thoughts on D-Day, emphasizing that true grit and toughness aren’t found in Los Angeles.

Grillo, who has built a reputation for performing his own stunts and maintaining a fighter’s physique year-round, isn’t just playing tough guys on screen. He lives it. His dedication to his craft and physical training has earned him roles alongside some of the biggest names in action cinema, including Chris Evans, Jason Statham, and Liam Neeson. Despite turning 51 recently, Grillo shows no signs of slowing down, with multiple projects lined up, including more appearances as Crossbones and a new series on Direct TV.

In a recent interview, Grillo discussed his journey from supporting roles to leading man status, particularly highlighting his role in “The Purge: Anarchy.” He expressed a sense of fulfillment in finally being the central character in a major studio film, a position he feels well-prepared for given his age and experience. Grillo’s path to stardom wasn’t easy, and he attributes his success to hard work rather than sheer talent.

Grillo’s admiration for physical and gritty roles stems from his childhood inspirations, such as Burt Reynolds and Sylvester Stallone. He identified with their on-screen personas—men who were tough, physical, and seemed to be having a great time. This admiration translated into his own career, where he has consistently chosen roles that allow him to showcase his physicality and toughness.

When asked about the toughness of his co-stars, Grillo was quick to point out that while actors like Statham and Evans are great athletes, they aren’t fighters. Grillo, who has trained in various combat sports, including Ju-Jitsu, wrestling, and boxing, emphasized that his co-stars are actors first and foremost. He takes pride in his own combat skills, which he continues to hone daily, finding solace and a sense of purpose in the gym.

Grillo’s passion for roles that reflect his own blue-collar background is evident. He prefers characters that are flawed and struggling, much like himself. This authenticity resonates with his fans, who see him as a relatable figure rather than a distant movie star. Grillo’s commitment to his craft and his fans is unwavering, as he continues to engage with them on social media and through interviews.

One of Grillo’s most memorable performances came in the film “End of Watch,” where he delivered a powerful speech to a group of marines. This scene, shot with real marines, showcased Grillo’s ability to convey deep emotion with minimal dialogue, a skill he attributes to his admiration for actors like Spencer Tracy.

Grillo’s dedication to his roles extends beyond the screen. He maintains a rigorous training regimen, always staying in peak physical condition. This commitment is not just for his roles but a lifestyle choice that keeps him ready for any challenge. His advice to aspiring actors is simple: there are no rules. Hard work and self-belief are crucial, and limitations should never be self-imposed.

As Grillo continues to take on new projects, including the highly anticipated “Boss Level” and a potential sequel to “Wheelman,” he remains grounded and focused. His production company, War Party, co-founded with Joe Carnahan, is a testament to his drive to create films that resonate with audiences and reflect his own tastes.

In a world where Hollywood often seems disconnected from reality, Frank Grillo stands out as a genuine tough guy, both on and off the screen. His remarks about real men not being in LA may ruffle some feathers, but they underscore his belief in authenticity and hard work. For Grillo, being a real man means more than just playing one on screen—it’s about living it every day.

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