Céline Dion may earn M for performing at Paris Olympics opening – Yahoo Style

Céline Dion may earn $2M for performing at Paris Olympics opening – Yahoo Style

Céline Dion may be in line to receive a staggering $2 million for performing at the opening ceremony of the upcoming Paris Olympic Games. The iconic singer, known for her powerful voice and captivating performances, could make a significant impact on the event, drawing in fans from around the world.

With the Olympics just around the corner, many are excited about the prospect of seeing a star like Dion grace the stage. Her participation would not only elevate the ceremony’s profile but also enhance the overall festive atmosphere of the games. As the world tunes in to witness the spectacle, the inclusion of such a beloved artist is expected to create unforgettable moments.

The Paris Olympics are set to be a memorable occasion, and securing an artist of Dion’s caliber could be a game-changer. Fans and organizers alike are eager to see how the lineup unfolds as the event date approaches.

For more details on this story, visit Yahoo Style.

Image and News Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiAFBVV95cUxNb3p3ZlQ0S2laOVdpTTVraHBPaFVOVko1dTBJT3dwYlNfbFZZZ1RLUHN2VXh3VkNmaG9jR2t3WkI4N3lfU1lhM29mQkx3SV9MYkF2Qi1wbUlEQk1sRVppMVBVb1dQdlpVeTVTSnhEaWdIUDkzQ2ZTaEw3djJpQi1IQmFwVTFjZnBm?oc=5&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en

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