Celine Dions sons train to help her if she experiences a health crisis

Celine Dions sons train to help her if she experiences a health crisis

Céline Dion’s sons have taken on a crucial role in supporting their mother as she navigates her battle with stiff-person syndrome, a rare neurological disorder she was diagnosed with in 2022. The iconic singer, who is the youngest of 14 children, has always emphasized the importance of family, especially during challenging times. In a recent interview with People, Dion shared how her sons, René-Charles, 23, and 13-year-old twins Eddy and Nelson, have been trained to assist her in case of a health crisis.

Dion reflected on her upbringing, crediting her late parents, Adhémar and Thérèse, for instilling in her the strength and resilience she now relies on. “Both my parents were extraordinary,” she said. “There were really tough times, but my mom always made sure we had love, attention, and affection.” This foundation of unwavering support is something Dion aims to provide for her own children.

The singer has faced significant losses, including the deaths of her parents, one of her brothers, and her husband, René Angélil, who was also her manager. Despite these hardships, Dion has remained determined to shield her children from fear. “I did not want my kids to be scared,” she explained. “I let them know that while I have a condition, it’s something I will learn to live with.”

To prepare her sons for potential crisis episodes, where she might be unable to move and in severe pain, Dion has worked closely with her medical team to educate them. “We explained it, played it frame by frame,” she said. “They know what to do even if I can’t communicate verbally.” The family has installed panic buttons in their home, and the boys have been taught how to position their mother safely on her side during an episode.

Dion’s approach is not just about managing her condition but also about empowering her children. “The idea of telling them and showing them was not to frighten them,” she said. “It’s for them to know that they can help me.” Her sons have embraced this responsibility, regularly checking on her to ensure she is okay.

René-Charles, the eldest, has also been a pillar of support during public appearances. He accompanied his mother to the 2024 Grammys, where Dion admitted she was both excited and nervous. “He said, ‘I’m going to walk with you, and then I’ll be behind you. Anytime you need, just look at me or move your hand,'” she recalled. This reassurance allowed Dion to enjoy the event, knowing her son was there to support her.

Dion’s openness about her condition and the proactive steps she has taken with her sons highlight the strength of their family bond. As they navigate these challenges together, they continue to support and care for one another, embodying the values of love and resilience that Dion’s parents instilled in her.

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