Confidence in Javier Milei’s Government Fell Again in July

Confidence in Javier Milei’s Government Fell Again in July

In July 2024, the Government Confidence Index (ICG) saw a decline of 3.7% compared to June. This marks the second consecutive month of falling confidence in Javier Milei’s administration, following an increase noted in May.

The index, created by the Torcuato Di Tella University School of Government, stands at 2.37 points. Despite the recent drop, it reflects a significant year-on-year increase of 97.8%. However, the current level of confidence is 12.3% lower than in July 2016, at the beginning of Mauricio Macri’s presidency, and 6.2% lower than in July 2020, when Alberto Fernández took office.

This situation often unsettles authoritarian figures. The practice of professional and critical journalism is crucial for democracy, which is why it tends to irritate those who believe they possess the ultimate truth.

In July 2024, while Javier Milei maintained a positive image, his sister Karina and several of his ministers received failing marks in public perception. The ICG was notably higher among men than women. It also resonated more with younger individuals aged 18 to 29, as well as with residents outside the Greater Buenos Aires area compared to those living in the capital. Confidence levels were higher among those with a maximum of a secondary education and among individuals or families who reported no criminal victimization in the past year. Additionally, those hopeful for an economic improvement in the next year exhibited greater confidence.

When evaluating the ICG components against June, only one showed a positive variation: the ability to address the country’s problems, which increased by 2.2% to 2.87 points. However, there were declines in several areas, including the general evaluation of the government, public interest concerns, efficiency in managing public spending, and the honesty of officials.

Looking at economic perspectives, the ICG was significantly higher among those believing the economy would improve in a year, scoring 3.94 points despite a 6% drop. In contrast, those expecting the situation to remain the same registered 2.51 points, reflecting an 11% increase, while those anticipating a deterioration scored only 0.59 points, with a 2% rise.


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