David Faitelson “detained” in Paris ahead of the Olympics

David Faitelson “detained” in Paris ahead of the Olympics

In an exciting development for sports fans, Televisa has been confirmed as the broadcaster for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on open television. Among the members of the Televisa team is the well-known journalist David Faitelson, who recently encountered a situation involving the authorities.

This isn’t the first time Faitelson has found himself in a tense situation while covering major events. During the Copa América, he was "detained" by police for a routine check at the airport in Las Vegas. His latest incident occurred in Paris, as the Olympics approached.

A video shared by TUDN captures the moment Faitelson arrives on a bicycle at the Televisa set in Paris, only to find himself surrounded by French police shortly after attempting to park his bike. Fortunately, the situation was resolved quickly, and Faitelson was able to continue his work and join his team for recording sessions.

As the Olympic Games draw near, the countdown has intensified. Security measures are firmly in place at the event venue, ensuring the safety and smooth running of the games. The much-anticipated opening ceremony is set for July 26, and Televisa will broadcast this significant occasion live at 10:30 AM.

Image and News Source: https://es-us.noticias.yahoo.com/deportes/david-faitelson-detenido-par%C3%ADs-previo-222220675.html

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