Democrats in a frenzy following Biden’s debate performance

Democrats in a frenzy following Biden’s debate performance

**Democrats in a Frenzy Following Biden’s Debate Performance**

The aftermath of Thursday night’s presidential debate has left Democrats in a state of disarray, grappling with the implications of President Joe Biden’s underwhelming performance against former President Donald Trump. The debate, which was expected to be a platform for Biden to assert his leadership and counter Trump’s rhetoric, instead turned into a moment of concern for many within the Democratic Party.

Biden’s performance was marked by moments of hesitation and a noticeable rasp in his voice, attributed to a cold. These factors, combined with his age, have intensified existing worries about his fitness for office. The debate’s fallout was immediate, with reporters swarming Biden’s campaign surrogates, pressing them on whether the 81-year-old president should remain at the top of the ticket.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, a prominent Democrat, was among those fielding questions about Biden’s future. Newsom, who has been a staunch supporter of Biden, dismissed the idea of replacing the president, emphasizing the importance of substance over the frenzy surrounding Biden’s energy levels. “I would never turn my back on President Biden’s record,” Newsom stated, underscoring his loyalty to the incumbent president.

However, the debate performance has undeniably sparked a wave of panic among Democrats. David Plouffe, a Democratic strategist who managed Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, described the situation as a “Defcon 1 moment,” highlighting the stark contrast in energy levels between Biden and Trump. “They seemed about 30 years apart tonight,” Plouffe remarked, despite the actual age difference being less than four years.

Andrew Yang, a former Democratic presidential candidate, took to social media to suggest that Biden should step aside and allow the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to choose another nominee. His sentiment was echoed by others within the party, though the likelihood of Biden being replaced remains slim due to the logistical and political challenges involved.

Amanda Litman, who works to recruit young Democratic candidates, pointed out the broader issue of gerontocracy within the party. “After we save democracy and defeat Trump, we’ve got to end the gerontocracy,” she told the BBC, reflecting a growing desire for younger leadership within the Democratic ranks.

In the debate’s spin room, Biden’s surrogates struggled to shift the narrative away from his performance. Congressman Robert Garcia of California attempted to redirect the focus to Trump’s misleading statements during the debate, but the questions about Biden’s fitness persisted.

Vice-President Kamala Harris also joined the effort to counter Trump’s claims, labeling him a liar and emphasizing the need to fact-check his statements. Despite these efforts, the conversation remained centered on Biden’s debate performance and its implications for his campaign.

Former Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill provided a candid assessment of the situation, acknowledging that Biden failed to reassure the American public about his capability to lead at his age. “He had one thing he had to accomplish, and that was to reassure America he was up to the job at his age. And he failed at that tonight,” McCaskill said.

The debate has also reignited discussions about potential alternatives to Biden. While some Democratic lawmakers and strategists have floated names like Vice President Kamala Harris, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and California Governor Gavin Newsom as possible replacements, the process of selecting a new nominee would be fraught with challenges.

Harris, despite being a logical choice as the current vice president, has faced criticism for her relatively low profile and lackluster poll numbers. Newsom, while a prominent figure, is not universally beloved even within his home state of California, which could complicate his candidacy.

The debate has left Democrats in a precarious position, torn between loyalty to Biden and the pragmatic need to ensure a strong candidate for the upcoming election. The party’s internal struggle is further complicated by the logistical hurdles of replacing an incumbent president so close to the election.

As the dust settles, the Democratic Party faces a critical juncture. The debate has underscored the urgency of addressing concerns about Biden’s age and energy levels, while also highlighting the broader issue of generational leadership within the party. The coming weeks will be crucial as Democrats navigate these challenges and strategize for the November election.

In the meantime, Biden’s campaign will need to work diligently to recover from the debate’s fallout and reassure both the party and the electorate of his capability to lead. The road ahead is fraught with uncertainty, but the stakes could not be higher as the Democratic Party seeks to maintain its hold on the White House.

Source: BBC News, The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Politico

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