Diddy key to New York City returned at Eric Adams request

Diddy key to New York City returned at Eric Adams request

Diddy Key to New York City Returned at Eric Adams’ Request

Sean “Diddy” Combs has returned the Key to the City of New York after Mayor Eric Adams requested its return. This request came in light of a video that surfaced showing Combs physically assaulting his ex-girlfriend, Cassie Ventura, in 2016.

Mayor Adams had initially awarded the key to Combs in September 2023 during a ceremony in Times Square. The event coincided with the release of Combs’ album, “The Love Album: Off The Grid.” However, the recent release of the disturbing footage prompted Adams to take action.

The security video, obtained by CNN, shows Combs attacking Cassie in a hotel hallway. The footage, which dates back to March 2016, depicts Combs grabbing Cassie, throwing her to the ground, kicking her twice, and dragging her by her sweatshirt. This incident aligns with allegations Cassie detailed in a federal lawsuit filed in November.

In a letter addressed to Combs’ representatives, Mayor Adams expressed his deep disturbance over the footage. “I strongly condemn these actions and stand in solidarity with all survivors of domestic and gender-based violence,” Adams wrote. He emphasized that New York City has worked tirelessly to ensure that survivors are heard and supported by the administration.

The letter, sent on June 4, requested the immediate return of the key. The mayor’s office confirmed that the key was returned to the city on June 10.

Combs has faced a series of civil lawsuits in recent months, with multiple women accusing him of sexual assault, sexual trafficking, and other criminal activities. Combs has denied all allegations, describing them as sickening. Cassie’s lawsuit, which included accusations of rape and physical abuse, was settled the day after it was filed. Combs vehemently denied the allegations through his lawyer at the time.

Following the release of the hotel footage, Combs issued a video apology, acknowledging that his behavior in the video was inexcusable. “I take full responsibility for my actions,” he said.

In March, federal agents conducted searches of Combs’ properties, where they found guns and seized his phones at an airport. These actions were part of a warrant issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Earlier this month, Howard University rescinded an honorary degree awarded to Combs in 2014 and severed financial ties with him. The university stated that Combs’ behavior, as captured in the video, was fundamentally incompatible with its core values and beliefs.

Combs, a prominent figure in the hip-hop industry and founder of Bad Boy Records, has built a significant business empire over the past three decades. Despite his success, the recent allegations and legal issues have cast a shadow over his career.

Mayor Adams’ decision to rescind the key to the city reflects a broader commitment to supporting survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. The key to the city is a symbol of civic recognition and gratitude, reserved for individuals whose service to the public and the common good rises to the highest level of achievement.

Adams’ letter emphasized that the Key to the City of New York committee recommended nullifying and rescinding Combs’ key after internal deliberations. The mayor accepted their recommendation and requested the immediate return of the key.

Combs’ representatives have not yet responded to requests for comment. The return of the key marks a significant moment in the ongoing scrutiny of Combs’ actions and the broader conversation about accountability and support for survivors of violence.

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