In a groundbreaking crossover event, Disney’s iconic character Uncle Scrooge McDuck is set to make his debut in the Marvel Comics universe with a new comic titled “Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime.” This unique tale, penned by renowned writer Jason Aaron, will see Scrooge embark on a multiversal adventure to thwart his malevolent future self, the Scrooge-Above-All.
For those who remember Uncle Scrooge from the beloved DuckTales cartoon or the classic comics of the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s, this new venture promises to be a nostalgic yet thrilling experience. Marvel has previously dabbled in Disney-themed comics, but this marks the first time they are publishing a new story based on the classic Disney comics of the Golden and Silver Ages.
Jason Aaron, a self-proclaimed fan of Uncle Scrooge, expressed his excitement about the project. “As far as I’m concerned, there’s no disputing the fact that Uncle Scrooge is one of the absolute greatest characters in the history of comics. And I don’t just mean comics that feature talking animals. I mean all comics ever, bar none,” Aaron stated. He emphasized that the new comic aims to honor Scrooge’s rich history while taking him to new, unexplored places in a way that only Marvel can deliver.
The comic will feature artwork from a team of celebrated Scrooge artists, including Paolo Mottura, Francesco D’ippolito, and Vitale Mangiatordi. Additionally, the one-shot will reprint the classic story “Christmas on Bear Mountain” by Carl Barks, which first introduced Uncle Scrooge. The issue will also feature covers by Lorenzo Pastrovicchio and Alex Ross, among others.
“Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime” is set to go on sale on June 19, and it promises to be a satirical take on some of Marvel’s best villains. The comic will retail for $7.99, a bit higher than standard Marvel releases, but it comes with several bonuses. The issue comprises 60 pages, with the main story spanning 30 pages, followed by the reprint of “Christmas on Bear Mountain.”
The story is divided into three chapters and an epilogue, each illustrated by different artists. Chapter One, titled “The Christmas That Never Was,” sets the stage with an alternate universe where Donald Duck and his nephews get lost on their way to Bear Mountain. This pivotal event never happens, leading to the creation of the evil Scrooge-Above-All. This Scrooge, the richest and most bitter of all, finds a magic mirror in his Money Bin and sets out to become the Richest Duck of All Worlds.
Chapter Two, “Lord of the Dimes,” features a high-octane action scene where the Beagle Boys attempt to steal Scrooge’s Money Bin. Scrooge fights them off in mid-air, only to be confronted by the Scrooge-Above-All, who takes his Number One Dime as a trophy. This chapter is filled with references to Don Rosa’s “The Complete Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck,” adding depth for long-time fans.
In Chapter Three, “Assault on the All-Bin,” our hero Scrooge teams up with alternate versions of himself from different dimensions to take on the Scrooge-Above-All. The evil Scrooge’s Money Bin is a towering structure that houses the Money Bins of other Scrooges. The team includes various incarnations of Scrooge, such as Shoeshine Scrooge, Laird of Castle McDuck Scrooge, and Space Scrooge. They engage in a multiverse-spanning battle against the Beagle Boys, with the help of the Council of Gyros, a group of alternate Gyro Gearlooses.
The climax sees the Scrooges and their allies opening portals to other dimensions, unleashing a “Berserker Horde” of alternate Donald Ducks to fight the Beagle Boys. This diversion allows the Scrooges to strip the Scrooge-Above-All of his powers by taking his collection of Number One Dimes. The story concludes with an epilogue titled “The Happiest Duck in the Multiverse,” where the defeated Scrooge-Above-All is redeemed through the gift of family.
Jason Aaron’s passion for the character shines through in this epic tale, which he hopes will leave readers wanting more. The comic also includes character designs for upcoming Disney Marvel collaborations, such as “What If…? Donald Duck Became Wolverine” and “What If…? Donald Duck Became the Mighty Thor,” set to release in July and September, respectively.
“Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime” is a must-read for fans of both Disney and Marvel. It combines the best elements of both worlds, offering a fresh yet familiar adventure for the World’s Richest Duck. With its rich storytelling, stunning artwork, and nostalgic nods to classic Scrooge tales, this comic is poised to be a hit among fans of all ages.
Source: Marvel Comics, Disney