Donald Trump’s NBC Colleague Crush Revealed In New Book

Donald Trump’s NBC Colleague Crush Revealed In New Book

In a surprising revelation from the newly released book “Apprentice in Wonderland,” it has been disclosed that former President Donald Trump once harbored a crush on his NBC colleague, Debra Messing. The book, authored by Ramin Setoodeh, delves into Trump’s tenure as the host of “The Apprentice” and unveils his long-standing fascination with the “Will & Grace” star.

Setoodeh, who is the co-editor-in-chief of Variety, recounts in the book that Trump frequently mentioned Messing during their interviews. Eventually, Trump dropped a bombshell, confirming that he had a crush on Messing during the early years of “The Apprentice.” This revelation sheds light on the complex and bitter relationship that now exists between the two.

Messing, known for her outspoken criticism of Trump, has become one of his most vocal detractors. This has reportedly been a source of great frustration for Trump. Setoodeh writes that Trump’s inability to win over Messing almost sounds like the plot of a romantic comedy, but for Trump, her rejection is a painful reality.

In the book, Trump reminisces about Messing, describing her as “quite attractive” and recalling an encounter where she allegedly expressed her gratitude to him. According to Trump, Messing approached him at a network event, praising him for saving the network and her show. Trump claims that Messing was effusive in her thanks, saying, “Thank you so much for what you’ve done for me, my show, and for NBC. It will never be forgotten.”

However, Setoodeh points out a factual discrepancy in Trump’s narrative. “Will & Grace” actually aired before “The Apprentice,” suggesting that it was the sitcom that might have boosted viewership for Trump’s reality show, not the other way around. Despite this, Trump continued to insist on Messing’s supposed gratitude and betrayal.

Trump’s narrative paints a picture of Messing as someone who was once thankful and effusive but has now turned into a fierce critic. He expressed disbelief at the “hatred” coming from her, insisting that she was once “begging for acceptance.”

Messing, on the other hand, has not confirmed Trump’s anecdote. Her representative did not respond to requests for comment. The tension between the two has been evident, especially during Trump’s presidency, when Messing frequently criticized him on social media.

The book also highlights a second meeting where Trump discussed his unrequited crush on Messing. He reiterated his attraction to her and expressed disappointment at her continued criticism after he won the 2016 presidential election. Their relationship, or lack thereof, has been marked by public spats, particularly on Twitter.

Messing’s disdain for Trump was also evident in her interactions with other celebrities. She once lashed out at Susan Sarandon for giving Trump credit for inspiring more women to hold office, calling the former president a “catastrophe.”

Despite the animosity from Messing, Trump seems to still carry a torch for the actress. His recollections and insistence on her past gratitude suggest that her rejection remains a sore point for him.

The book “Apprentice in Wonderland” offers a fascinating glimpse into Trump’s time at NBC and his peculiar obsession with Debra Messing. It reveals a side of Trump that is rarely seen, one that is vulnerable and affected by personal rejection. As the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, Trump’s past interactions with Messing add another layer to his complex persona.

The revelations in Setoodeh’s book are sure to spark discussions and debates, especially among those who have followed Trump’s career and his tumultuous relationship with the media and Hollywood. The book provides an insider’s look at the former president’s mindset and his interactions with one of his most vocal critics.

As the story unfolds, it remains to be seen how Messing will respond to these revelations and whether this will further fuel the ongoing feud between the two. For now, “Apprentice in Wonderland” offers a captivating account of Trump’s NBC days and his unrequited crush on Debra Messing.

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