‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star John Schneider finds love a year after wife’s death ‘God sent a widower to a widow’

‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star John Schneider finds love a year after wife’s death ‘God sent a widower to a widow’

John Schneider, the beloved star of “The Dukes of Hazzard,” has found love again just over a year after the heartbreaking loss of his wife, Alicia Allain, to breast cancer. During a recent episode of “Grace Begins, The Podcast,” Schneider opened up about his new relationship, revealing that he had reached a point where he was ready to give up on everything before meeting his new partner.

Schneider shared that his faith played a crucial role in helping him through the dark period following his wife’s death. He described his new relationship as a divine intervention, saying, “God sent a widower to a widow and a widow to a widower who gets it, who understands. Because I tell you what, I was ready to give it up, all of it — everything.”

The actor’s new girlfriend was not visible during the podcast, but Schneider affectionately referred to her as “that crazy Dame over there.” He admitted that the idea of dating or holding another hand was initially repulsive to him, but meeting his new partner changed everything.

Schneider’s late wife, Alicia Allain, passed away at the age of 53 after a four-year battle with breast cancer. The couple had tied the knot in 2019, and despite Alicia’s cancer going into remission in 2020, it returned and metastasized to the bone in 2021. Alicia succumbed to her illness in February 2023, surrounded by family at their home in Louisiana.

Reflecting on his journey through grief, Schneider admitted that he didn’t think a second chance at love was possible for him. “I can honestly say I didn’t want it. I was done,” he said. “And if that hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have been here, there’s not a chance in the world.”

In December, Schneider spoke to Fox News Digital about spending his first Christmas without Alicia and how grief can unexpectedly overwhelm you. “Grief will sneak up on you and smack you in the back of the head,” he said. “Truly, when you least expect it. But usually right as you’re having a great time.”

Schneider emphasized that grief is something you learn to carry rather than something that goes away. “The notion that grief will ever go away is silly. Grief will never go away. It’s just something we learn to carry. And I’m learning. Not a lesson I ever wanted. Not a skill I ever wanted to acquire. But, you know, here it is. So I’m making the best of it.”

Alicia Allain was a veteran producer and actress known for her roles in films like “Leather Jackets,” “Caged Fear,” and “Auto Focus,” which she also produced. She met Schneider in 2014, and the two began dating in 2015. They became indie-filmmaking partners and co-songwriters, with Alicia founding the production company Maven Entertainment and becoming Schneider’s manager before they married.

Throughout Alicia’s cancer battle, the couple continued to work together on film and music projects, releasing the patriotic film “To Die For” in October 2022. In July, Schneider announced plans for an album honoring Alicia during his first public appearance since her death. The tribute album, titled “We’re Still Us,” was released in November, along with a book co-written with Alicia, “In the Driver’s Seat: Love, Loss & Living with No Regrets,” detailing their journey through her cancer battle.

Schneider’s new relationship has brought a sense of hope and purpose back into his life. He described it as a miracle, saying, “I was done. And if that hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have been here, there’s not a chance in the world.”

The actor’s willingness to openly discuss his grief and the challenges he faced after Alicia’s passing offers hope to others going through similar experiences. His new relationship serves as a testament to the power of love and faith in overcoming life’s darkest moments.

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