Evan Rachel Wood reveals trippy experience in making Across the Universe

Evan Rachel Wood reveals trippy experience in making Across the Universe

Evan Rachel Wood recently opened up about her surreal experience while working on the 2007 musical film “Across the Universe.” Directed by Julie Taymor, the film is a visually stunning, psychedelic journey set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War, featuring reimagined songs by The Beatles. For Wood, the experience was nothing short of transformative.

Wood played Lucy, a character who falls in love with Jude, portrayed by Jim Sturgess. The film follows Jude, a British dockworker who travels to America to find his estranged father. Along the way, he befriends Max, played by Joe Anderson, and falls for Max’s sister, Lucy. The movie is a blend of ’60s radicalism, drug culture, and star-crossed lovers, all set to the iconic music of Lennon and McCartney.

Wood described the making of “Across the Universe” as a “trippy experience.” The film’s elaborate sets, intricate choreography, and the sheer scale of the production made it a unique project. “It was like stepping into a different world every day,” she said. “The sets were so detailed and immersive; it felt like we were living in that era.”

One of the most memorable scenes for Wood was the underwater sequence set to “Because.” The scene required the actors to perform underwater, creating a dreamlike, almost otherworldly atmosphere. “Shooting that scene was surreal,” Wood recalled. “We were in this giant tank, and it felt like we were floating in space. It was both beautiful and disorienting.”

The film also featured cameos from musical legends like Bono, Eddie Izzard, and Joe Cocker, adding to the surreal experience. “Having these iconic musicians on set was incredible,” Wood said. “It added an extra layer of authenticity to the film.”

Wood’s portrayal of Lucy was a significant role for her, both professionally and personally. The character’s journey from a suburban girl to a radical activist resonated with Wood. “Lucy was a complex character,” she explained. “She starts off as this innocent girl and evolves into a strong, independent woman. It was empowering to play her.”

The film’s reception was mixed, with critics divided on its ambitious scope and execution. However, it has since gained a cult following, particularly for its innovative use of The Beatles’ music. “Across the Universe” was a labor of love for Taymor, who drew inspiration from her own family for the characters of Max and Lucy. “My brother is Max,” Taymor said. “He was a musician who dropped out of college and enlisted in the army. My sister was a radical activist.”

Despite the initial lukewarm reviews, Wood believes the film’s message and artistic vision have stood the test of time. “The film was ahead of its time in many ways,” she said. “It tackled issues like war, love, and activism in a way that was both poignant and visually stunning.”

Wood also appreciated the film’s portrayal of fluid sexuality, particularly through the character of Prudence, played by T.V. Carpio. Prudence is a lesbian cheerleader who joins the group of vagabonds traveling across America. “Prudence’s character was groundbreaking,” Wood noted. “Her journey of self-discovery and acceptance was beautifully portrayed.”

For Wood, “Across the Universe” was more than just a film; it was a pivotal moment in her career and personal life. “The experience of making this film was transformative,” she said. “It challenged me as an actor and helped me grow as a person.”

The film’s unique blend of music, visuals, and storytelling continues to resonate with audiences. “Every time I rewatch the film, I discover something new,” Wood said. “It’s a timeless piece of art that speaks to different generations.”

Wood’s experience on “Across the Universe” also had a lasting impact on her career choices. “Working on this film made me realize the kind of projects I want to be a part of,” she explained. “I want to work on films that are bold, innovative, and have something meaningful to say.”

As “Across the Universe” continues to find new fans, Wood remains proud of her involvement in the film. “I’m grateful to have been a part of such a unique and visionary project,” she said. “It’s a film that will always hold a special place in my heart.”

In a world where films often follow formulaic patterns, “Across the Universe” stands out for its daring approach and artistic ambition. For Evan Rachel Wood, the experience of making the film was nothing short of a “trippy” journey, one that she will cherish forever.

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