Fans Join HAMMERFALL for ‘Hail to the King’ at SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL

Fans Join HAMMERFALL for ‘Hail to the King’ at SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL

On June 8, Swedish heavy metal band HAMMERFALL delivered an electrifying performance at the Sweden Rock Festival in Sölvesborg, Sweden. The highlight of their set was when they invited around 60-70 fans on stage to join them in singing the backing vocals for “Hail to the King,” the first single from their upcoming album “Avenge The Fallen.” The moment was captured on video, showcasing the band’s connection with their fans and the powerful energy of the live performance.

In a recent interview with Australia’s Heavy, HAMMERFALL guitarist Oscar Dronjak shared insights about “Avenge The Fallen,” set to release on August 9 via Nuclear Blast Records. Dronjak expressed his excitement and pride in the new album, which has been in the works for several years. He mentioned that some of the songs are as old as five years, and the recording process spanned from November to January. The band is eager to share their hard work with the world, believing it to be one of their strongest albums in recent years.

Dronjak highlighted the cohesive nature of the album, stating that each song serves a purpose and removing any track would disrupt the overall balance. He praised the production quality and the performances of his bandmates, particularly drummer David Wallin, whose powerful drumming set a high standard for the rest of the band. The energy and focus brought by Wallin inspired the entire band to elevate their performances, resulting in a dynamic and powerful album.

The guitarist also commended the work of producer Fredrik Nordström, who felt the pressure to match the band’s high level of performance during the mixing process. Dronjak noted that the production of “Avenge The Fallen” is a significant improvement over their previous album, “Hammer Of Dawn,” which was recorded during the pandemic. The new album, he said, is more energetic and powerful, reflecting the band’s renewed vigor.

Dronjak and vocalist Joacim Cans collaborated closely on the songwriting process. Dronjak would create demos with instrumental tracks and drum machines, which he then sent to Cans for vocal melodies and lyrics. The back-and-forth collaboration resulted in what Dronjak believes to be some of their best work. He praised Cans for his exceptional songwriting, which perfectly complemented the instrumental tracks.

When “Avenge The Fallen” was announced in April, Cans reflected on the band’s journey and the challenge of staying relevant after 13 albums. He emphasized the importance of creating a strong album with great songs, rather than just a few good tracks. The band aims to push and challenge themselves, delivering a full-length album that captivates listeners from start to finish.

The music video for “Hail to the King” was released in April, and Dronjak shared the story behind its creation. He began working on the song while on tour in the U.S. with HELLOWEEN. Despite missing out on meeting some of his idols during the tour, Dronjak was able to complete the song, which has become a standout track on the new album.

The track listing for “Avenge The Fallen” includes:
1. Avenge The Fallen
2. Burn It Down
3. Capture The Dream
4. Hail To The King
5. Hero To All
6. Hope Springs Eternal
7. Rise Of Evil
8. The End Justifies
9. Time Immemorial

HAMMERFALL’s return to Nuclear Blast Records marks a significant milestone in their career. The band, which started with the label in 1997, has seen several of their albums achieve gold and platinum status in Sweden. Their entire Nuclear Blast catalog, from “Glory To The Brave” to “(r)Evolution,” has been certified with a diamond award for over 1.5 million worldwide sales.

In April 2023, HAMMERFALL released a special platinum edition of “Crimson Thunder” with bonus material, further cementing their legacy in the heavy metal scene. Their previous album, “Hammer Of Dawn,” was released in February 2022 via Napalm Records and was produced by Nordström, with contributions from Jacob Hansen on lead vocals.

The Sweden Rock Festival performance was a testament to HAMMERFALL’s enduring popularity and their ability to connect with fans. The band’s decision to bring fans on stage for “Hail to the King” created a memorable experience for everyone involved, highlighting the communal spirit of heavy metal music. As they prepare to release “Avenge The Fallen,” HAMMERFALL continues to prove why they are a force to be reckoned with in the metal world.

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