G-Dragon Discusses New Role as Visiting Professor and Interests

G-Dragon Discusses New Role as Visiting Professor and Interests

BIGBANG’s G-Dragon has recently taken on a new and exciting role as a visiting professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). This unexpected career move has generated significant buzz, especially following his feature on the cover of ELLE Korea’s July issue. In an exclusive interview with the magazine, G-Dragon opened up about his new academic venture and his diverse range of interests.

G-Dragon, known for his innovative contributions to the music and fashion industries, expressed his initial reaction to being appointed as a visiting professor. “I was stunned and excited at the same time when I first visited the campus,” he shared. The experience was a novel challenge for him, even with his extensive background in creative fields. He was particularly impressed by the passion and dedication of the students at KAIST, noting that their intense focus on their studies reminded him of his own childhood. “The way the students immersed themselves in their studies to the point where the line between academics and daily life blurred was very similar to how I used to explore and contemplate alone in the practice room,” he said.

When asked about his daily interests, G-Dragon revealed that he is naturally curious about a wide array of subjects. “I tend to be curious about a variety of areas rather than just one specific field,” he explained. This curiosity drives him both as a creator and as a human being. He has a strong desire to challenge himself with new and unfamiliar experiences, rather than sticking to outdated practices. “If the field is not my area of expertise, I am willing to borrow the expertise of others. That way, it is possible to present a higher quality outcome,” he added.

G-Dragon’s appointment at KAIST is a testament to his multifaceted talents and his willingness to step outside his comfort zone. His role as a visiting professor will undoubtedly inspire students and faculty alike, bringing a fresh perspective to the academic environment. His ability to bridge the gap between the arts and sciences could lead to innovative collaborations and projects that benefit both fields.

The full interview with G-Dragon, along with a stunning pictorial, will be available in the July issue of ELLE Korea. Fans and readers can look forward to gaining deeper insights into his thoughts and experiences as he embarks on this new journey.

G-Dragon’s new role at KAIST is a significant milestone in his career, showcasing his versatility and commitment to continuous learning and growth. His influence extends beyond the entertainment industry, making a meaningful impact on the academic world as well.

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