Gilbert Steps Down From Trigg Ham Festival Committee

Gilbert Steps Down From Trigg Ham Festival Committee

Dustin Gilbert, a prominent realtor in Cadiz and an active member of the Trigg County Chamber of Commerce, has announced his resignation from the Trigg County Country Ham Festival Committee. Gilbert’s decision comes amid ethical concerns surrounding the recent awarding of a contract for sound, stage, and lighting services.

In an email addressed to the committee, Gilbert stated that his resignation is effective immediately. He expressed his discomfort with the committee’s decision to grant the contract to Peak Audio Visual LLC. This decision was made despite the fact that the bids were submitted before Heather Armbruster was appointed as the Cadiz On Main Director. Gilbert pointed out that Heather Armbruster has a direct connection to Peak Audio Visual LLC, a company owned by Brandon Armbruster, according to the Kentucky Secretary of State’s office.

As a realtor, Gilbert is bound by a strict code of ethics. He emphasized that the committee’s decision to award the contract to a company with direct ties to a newly appointed city official conflicts with these ethical standards. Consequently, he felt compelled to step down from his role on the committee.

Committee members informed the News Edge that Peak Audio Visual’s bid was one of three submitted for the staging, lighting, and sound services. The bids were reviewed during a special meeting held on May 30 at Cadiz City Hall. During the meeting, committee members raised concerns about the lack of specific details in each bid. However, city officials insisted that a decision had to be made that day. When committee members later requested a proposal, city officials were unable to provide one.

Gilbert’s resignation has sparked discussions within the community about the transparency and ethical standards of the committee’s decision-making process. Many are questioning whether the committee should have considered the potential conflict of interest before awarding the contract.

The Trigg County Country Ham Festival is a significant event for the community, drawing visitors from across the region. The festival’s success relies heavily on the efforts of the committee members and the vendors they select. Gilbert’s departure raises concerns about the future of the festival and the integrity of its planning process.

As the community grapples with these issues, the committee will need to address the concerns raised by Gilbert and ensure that future decisions are made with transparency and adherence to ethical standards. The resignation of a respected community member like Gilbert underscores the importance of maintaining trust and integrity in the planning and execution of community events.

The Trigg County Country Ham Festival Committee now faces the challenge of finding a replacement for Gilbert and addressing the ethical concerns that led to his resignation. The committee’s response to these issues will be closely watched by the community and will likely influence the future direction of the festival.

In the meantime, the community will continue to support the festival and its organizers, hoping for a resolution that upholds the values of transparency and ethical conduct. Gilbert’s resignation serves as a reminder of the importance of these values in maintaining the trust and confidence of the community.

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