Holly Valance From Aussie Pop Star to Trump Cheerleader

Holly Valance From Aussie Pop Star to Trump Cheerleader

Holly Valance From Aussie Pop Star to Trump Cheerleader

Holly Valance, once known for her role as a clean-cut schoolgirl in the Australian soap opera Neighbours, has undergone a remarkable transformation. Two decades after her pop stardom, she has emerged as a prominent supporter of Donald Trump’s bid to retake the White House.

On Wednesday, Valance hosted an exclusive fundraiser in London, where ticket prices started at $10,000 (£7,800) and dinner cost $50,000. Nigel Farage, a fellow Trump supporter and friend of Valance, described the event as a “Holly party” and promised it would be “enormous fun.”

This public shift into the political arena may surprise those who remember Valance as Felicity “Flick” Scully in Neighbours or for her 2002 hit song “Kiss Kiss.” Born Holly Rachel Vukadinovic to Serb-British parents in Melbourne, Australia, in 1983, Valance attended a strict Catholic school where even a high hemline could result in detention. She began modeling for supermarket catalogues and ad campaigns at the age of 14.

Television stardom soon followed, and she embarked on a brief but successful pop career, releasing an album that produced three top 10 hits. She later returned to acting, starring as Nina Volek in the hit US drama Prison Break.

Valance, now 41, has said her political views have evolved over time. Living in the UK with her billionaire property developer and Tory Party donor husband Nick Candy, she told GB News earlier this year that “everyone starts as a lefty” but eventually “wakes up” and moves to the right.

In various interviews, she has expressed her dismay at “woke-ism” and the “Nanny state.” She reminisced about the Australia of her youth, describing it as “unreal” and lamenting the rise of “woke stuff” in the country. On sex education for children, she stated, “I don’t think sexuality and children should be in the same sentence.”

Regarding climate change, Valance has been outspoken, calling Greta Thunberg a “demonic little gremlin” and arguing that climate change is “not a crisis.” She believes the air quality is better now than when she was growing up and advocates for “cleaner, cheaper energy” without imposing restrictions on people’s daily lives.

Valance’s support for Trump has solidified as she has grown closer to Nigel Farage. The veteran Brexit politician, who now leads the Reform Party, revealed that Valance had “kept quiet for many years.” Farage invited Valance and her husband to Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida residence, in April 2022. A photo of the meeting, posted on X (formerly Twitter), cemented Valance’s place within the Trump camp.

Wednesday night’s fundraiser in west London was arguably the biggest election fundraising event for Trump outside the US. It was attended by Trump’s son Don Jr., Farage, and several wealthy American expats. Valance’s political influence extends beyond fundraising. She has suggested that she played a role in persuading Farage to contest the Clacton constituency in the British election in July. “I have been whispering in his ear for a long time,” she told GB News.

Valance has also indicated that she would campaign for Farage if asked, though she wondered if people would still want to see her knocking on their doors. “Maybe 20 years ago,” she mused.

In a twist of events, Valance and fashion icon Anna Wintour hosted rival fundraising events in London on the same evening. While Valance’s event supported Trump, Wintour’s fundraiser backed Joe Biden’s campaign. Tickets for Wintour’s event were priced at $1,000 each, significantly lower than the $10,000 starting price for Valance’s event.

Donald Trump Jr. described the Republican fundraiser as “incredible” and noted that it had raised substantial funds. He also commented on the Hunter Biden guilty verdict, calling it a “decoy to cover up all the actual corruption” in the Biden administration.

Greg Swenson, chairman of Republicans Overseas, confirmed that tickets for Valance’s event ranged from $10,000 to $100,000, with dinner costing $50,000 per couple. Despite the high prices, Swenson insisted that the Republicans were the “party of the people” and highlighted the entry fees for rival Democratic events.

Valance’s journey from Aussie pop star to Trump cheerleader is a testament to her evolving political views and her willingness to take on a new role in the political arena. As she continues to support Trump and Farage, her influence in the political landscape is likely to grow.

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