How Hugh Jackman Helped Save Deadpool 3

How Hugh Jackman Helped Save Deadpool 3

**How Hugh Jackman Helped Save Deadpool 3**

The journey of the “Deadpool” franchise has always been a rollercoaster, with each installment facing its own set of challenges before finally hitting the big screen. The original 2016 film almost didn’t happen until some test footage mysteriously leaked, generating enough public interest to convince 20th Century Fox to greenlight the project. Fast forward to the latest installment, “Deadpool & Wolverine,” and it seems history was about to repeat itself. This time, however, it wasn’t leaked footage that saved the day but a timely phone call from Hugh Jackman.

In a recent Vanity Fair profile, the main trio behind “Deadpool & Wolverine”—Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, and director Shawn Levy—revealed the behind-the-scenes struggles that almost derailed the project. The trouble began with Disney’s acquisition of Fox, which brought the “X-Men” franchise under the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) umbrella. Despite the success of the first two “Deadpool” films, Reynolds found it challenging to crack the story for the third installment. It wasn’t until a fortuitous phone call from Jackman, on the eve of an important pitch meeting with Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, that things began to fall into place.

**Hugh Jackman Willed Deadpool & Wolverine into Existence**

Reynolds had already brought Shawn Levy on board to direct “Deadpool & Wolverine,” but the team was struggling to find a story that felt both original and deserving of being the first “Deadpool” entry into the MCU. Levy explained, “We frankly struggled to find a story that felt original and non-derivative of the other two ‘Deadpool’ movies. It had to be deserving of the first ‘Deadpool’ entry into the MCU, but also feel grounded because this is an earthbound, gritty, realistic superhero franchise. We had fits and starts. And Ryan and I were right at the edge of saying to Kevin, ‘You know what? Maybe now is not the right moment because we’re not coming up with a story.’ And that is the moment when Ryan’s phone rang and it was Hugh calling from his car.”

Jackman, who was on a rare vacation, had a moment of clarity while sitting on a beach. “I was sitting on a beach, not a care in the world, and for some reason, the thought came into my head: ‘What do you want to do?’ … Then, literally, I thought: Deadpool-Wolverine. I want to do that movie. That’s what I want.” Without wasting a moment, Jackman called Reynolds, who was about to have a Zoom meeting with Kevin Feige later that day.

**Music to Kevin Feige’s Ears**

Movies often come to life through a combination of talent, hard work, and the right connections. In this case, timing and luck played a significant role. Jackman recalled the urgency of his call, “I rang straight away, because for some reason I’m like, I can’t wait 20 minutes. Normally, 20 minutes isn’t going to matter, but weirdly, it sort of did. I said, ‘I want to do this movie. I know it in my bones. I know it in my gut.’ And Ryan said, ‘I can’t believe the timing because we were about to have a meeting and I’m not sure where we’re at.'”

From there, the project gained momentum. However, one concern lingered: the idea of undoing Wolverine’s perfect sendoff in James Mangold’s “Logan.” Even Kevin Feige admitted he cautioned Jackman against it. But Jackman was confident, especially since the creative team took pains to make this work without breaking established canon. “Everything felt new and fresh to me. And I’d be sharing it with Ryan and Shawn, who are two of my best friends. The three of us together are like the Three Amigos. There was not a day where I wasn’t in tears laughing. I felt so rejuvenated playing the part. I mean, I’m 25 years in, man, and it feels better than ever.”

**The Dynamic Duo: Deadpool and Wolverine**

The chemistry between Reynolds and Jackman is undeniable, both on and off the screen. Their dynamic promises to bring a unique flavor to the superhero genre. Reynolds explained, “If you’re looking at the Venn diagram or the overlap of these two characters, as vastly different as they are, the thing they have most in common is shame. They both live in this violent shame cycle. Deadpool’s a very verbose character. He’s very feminine and kind of open and childlike. And putting that next to a character whose archetype is very Clint Eastwood creates something pretty interesting.”

The film, officially titled “Deadpool & Wolverine,” is set to hit theaters on July 26, 2024. The trailer has already generated significant buzz, showcasing the pair reluctantly teaming up while also engaging in their usual antics, including firing bullets into each other’s sides and stabbing each other in the balls. The trailer also offers a first glimpse at Matthew Macfadyen and Emma Corrin making their MCU debuts.

**A New Hope for the MCU**

The MCU has faced its share of challenges recently, with several films underperforming both critically and commercially. However, “Deadpool & Wolverine” could be the jolt the franchise needs. Director Matthew Vaughn, who has seen snippets of the film, believes it will bring the Marvel universe back to life. “The few snippets that I know about Deadpool vs. Wolverine — or Wolverine vs. Deadpool, I’m sure that argument between Ryan and Hugh is happening as we speak — are unbelievable. That’s going to be the jolt… the Marvel universe is about to have a jolt of them and it’s going to bring that body back to life… I think Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are about to save the whole Marvel universe.”

With the X-Men and Fantastic Four set to join the MCU, the future looks promising. “Deadpool & Wolverine” is not just another superhero film; it’s a testament to the power of timing, friendship, and a well-placed phone call. As the release date approaches, fans eagerly await what promises to be a uniquely entertaining entry into the superhero film sphere.

**Source:** Vanity Fair, The Hollywood Reporter, BroBible, PEOPLE

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