How Superman Really Keeps His Secret Identity Revealed in Hilarious Fanart

How Superman Really Keeps His Secret Identity Revealed in Hilarious Fanart

How Superman Really Keeps His Secret Identity Revealed in Hilarious Fanart

Superman fan art by Dan Schkade hilariously reveals how Clark Kent truly keeps his identity secret with a dark twist.

The art shows Clark intimidating a coworker with heat vision, subverting expectations in a funny, out-of-character representation.

Despite mixed reactions, the comic strip “Accidents Happen” has gone viral, surpassing even the popular “Creepy Spider-Man” art.

Superman’s ability to keep his identity a secret is often attributed to his laughably simple use of glasses and his charming, unassuming persona as a Daily Planet journalist. However, one artist has turned this notion on its head with a hilariously dark piece of fan art that reveals how Clark Kent REALLY keeps his identity a secret.

Comics writer and artist Dan Schkade recently shared a piece of Superman fan art on Instagram that has nearly broken the internet, garnering over 52,000 likes and comments. The art depicts Clark Kent, in his civilian identity as a Daily Planet journalist, purposefully tripping over a filing box in front of a coworker labeled “Guy who has 100% noticed that Clark Kent is Superman.”

However, the true hilarity of this scene unfolds in Superman’s response to his coworker asking if he is okay. A response that reveals a side of the Man of Steel that fans rarely see.

The Man of Steel, disguised as a fumbling reporter, responds to his coworker’s concern by saying, “I’m sure you’ve got bigger problems than me! B-besides…accidents happen.” As he says this, the art shows Clark lowering his glasses to reveal his eyes glowing red with barely suppressed heat vision. The menacing glare, paired with the phrase “accidents happen,” makes it clear that Clark is intimidating his coworker to ensure his secret identity remains hidden. This wild and dark departure from the Superman fans know makes the comic strip exceptionally hilarious and memorable.

Despite the general consensus that this art is pure hilarity-filled entertainment, there have been two distinct reactions in the comments. While most fans applauded the comic strip as infinitely funny, others found it too out of character for Clark, with one user stating, “I’m not sure how I feel about Clark threatening the dude like that.” This comment received over 1,500 likes, showing that many others felt the same. However, another Instagram user pointed out that the humor lies in the fact that “none of us expect Clark to do something like that.” This out-of-character representation of Superman subverts expectations, making it funny.

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