Israel readies for potential war with Hezbollah amid ongoing Hamas conflict

Israel readies for potential war with Hezbollah amid ongoing Hamas conflict

The situation in the Middle East is becoming increasingly dire, with the conflict in Gaza escalating and the potential for it to spread throughout the region. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has warned the Security Council about the urgent need for humanitarian aid and an immediate ceasefire. He emphasized the importance of protecting civilians and condemned the deliberate targeting of non-combatants, as well as the launching of rockets against civilian areas.

Guterres reiterated his condemnation of the October 7 attacks by Hamas in Israel and called for the immediate release of hostages. He stressed that while the Palestinian people have endured decades of occupation and suffering, these grievances do not justify the horrific attacks by Hamas. Similarly, these attacks do not justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people. He urged all parties to adhere to international humanitarian law and to protect civilians, hospitals, and United Nations facilities.

Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Process, highlighted the devastating impact of the conflict on civilians. He reported that over 1,400 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed in the October 7 attack by Hamas, and 220 civilians were taken hostage. In response, Israel declared a state of war and launched a massive bombardment of Gaza, targeting around 5,000 locations. The ongoing airstrikes have resulted in over 5,000 Palestinian deaths, including women, children, journalists, and medical workers. More than one million Palestinians have been displaced, and critical infrastructure has been destroyed.

Lynn Hastings, Deputy Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, reported that nearly 1.4 million people have been displaced in Gaza, with many seeking refuge in United Nations facilities under increasingly dire conditions. She noted that Gaza is under a complete electricity blackout, and hospitals are on the brink of collapse. The limited aid entering Gaza is insufficient to meet the needs of the population, and the lack of fuel is exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.

During a day-long debate, over 80 Heads of State, ministers, and government officials expressed alarm at the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza. They stressed the need for water, fuel, and medicine to enter the besieged enclave and called for a recommitment to a two-State solution. Some delegates emphasized Israel’s right to defend itself, while others deplored the blockade and the indiscriminate nature of the strikes.

Riad Al-Maliki, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine, urged the international community to end the ongoing massacres and called for a ceasefire, humanitarian access, and international protection for the Palestinian people. He emphasized that peace and security cannot be achieved through violence and called for justice and accountability.

Eli Cohen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Israel, highlighted the brutality of the October 7 attacks and stressed the need for the international community to stand united against Hamas. He called for the immediate release of hostages and condemned the use of funds by Hamas to build tunnels and rocket factories instead of hospitals and commercial centers.

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States, asserted Israel’s right to defend itself and emphasized the need to protect Palestinian civilians. He called for humanitarian pauses to allow aid to flow into Gaza and warned that the United States would defend its personnel if attacked by Iran or its proxies.

The representative of the Russian Federation called for a swift and unconditional ceasefire and criticized the current draft resolution from the United States. He proposed an alternative draft resolution based on humanitarian language.

The speaker for Iran criticized the United States for its unwavering support for Israel and emphasized the legitimate right to self-determination and self-defense for the Palestinian people. The delegate of Jordan called for a ceasefire and stressed that Israel should not be above international law. Egypt’s representative condemned the indiscriminate violence and called for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to be recognized.

Switzerland’s delegate emphasized the importance of protecting civilians and respecting international humanitarian law. She called for an investigation into the incident at Al Ahli Arab Hospital and for all violations of international law to be addressed.

The situation in the Middle East remains critical, with the potential for further escalation and regional spillover. The international community must employ all efforts to end the bloodshed and prevent further hostilities. A political solution that advances a negotiated peace and fulfills the legitimate aspirations of both Palestinians and Israelis is essential for long-term stability.

Source: United Nations, Reuters, Al Jazeera

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