Jane Fonda defends Biden saying ‘He’s just fine’

Jane Fonda defends Biden saying ‘He’s just fine’

Jane Fonda, the renowned actress and activist, recently came to the defense of President Joe Biden, asserting that his age should not be a concern for voters. In an interview with CNN, Fonda, who is 86 years old, emphasized that Biden, at 81, is perfectly capable of leading the country. “I’m older than he is,” Fonda remarked, underscoring her belief that age brings wisdom and experience.

Fonda, a long-time progressive voice, has been a vocal supporter of Biden, particularly in light of the upcoming 2024 presidential election. She highlighted that age should be seen as an asset rather than a liability. “You do get wiser and you do learn things. You learn from your mistakes,” she said, adding that she has observed Biden closely and finds him well-suited for the presidency.

Her comments came in response to recent discussions about Biden’s age, which have been a focal point in political debates. Jill Biden, the First Lady, also addressed this issue at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, pointing out that Biden and former President Donald Trump are nearly the same age. “Joe isn’t one of the most effective presidents of our lives in spite of his age, but because of it,” she stated, emphasizing that character, not age, should be the primary consideration.

Fonda echoed this sentiment, contrasting Biden with Trump, whom she referred to as the “Orange Man.” She stressed the importance of having a leader who is approachable and willing to work with others. “We don’t need a demagogue,” Fonda asserted, expressing her admiration and respect for Biden’s qualities.

In addition to her defense of Biden’s age, Fonda announced a new initiative called “Seniors for Biden-Harris” in Reno, Nevada, alongside Jill Biden. The initiative aims to mobilize older voters, highlighting the value of their experience and wisdom. “Age is a gift, but there are those who devalue our wisdom and dismiss our experience,” the First Lady remarked during the announcement.

Fonda’s support for Biden is also deeply rooted in her commitment to addressing the climate crisis. She has been an outspoken climate activist and believes that Biden is the right leader to tackle this existential threat. “That’s why I really want to elect Joe Biden because we’re running out of time,” she said, expressing concern for future generations, including her grandchildren.

Jill Biden has consistently argued that her husband’s age is an advantage, not a drawback. In a recent appearance on “The View,” she reiterated that the election is about character, not age. “This election is not about age. I mean Donald Trump is going to be 78 and Joe’s 81. They’re basically the same age,” she said, emphasizing the importance of character in leadership.

Despite the ongoing debates about Biden’s age, Fonda remains steadfast in her support. She believes that Biden’s experience and wisdom make him an ideal candidate for the presidency. “He’s perfectly suited to be President of the United States,” she affirmed, dismissing concerns about his age.

Fonda’s defense of Biden comes at a time when ageism is a prevalent issue in political discourse. She has previously spoken out against ageism in Hollywood and other sectors, advocating for a more inclusive and respectful approach to aging. In a podcast interview with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Fonda shared her perspective on aging, stating that while she feels her age physically, she remains mentally and spiritually young. “One of the things that I’ve learned as I’ve gotten into serious old age is when you’re inside it as opposed to looking at it from the outside, it’s not nearly as scary,” she said.

As the 2024 election approaches, Fonda’s support for Biden underscores the importance of experience and wisdom in leadership. Her advocacy for addressing the climate crisis and her belief in Biden’s capabilities highlight the critical issues at stake. For Fonda, age is not a barrier but a testament to the valuable lessons and insights that come with it.

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