JoJo Siwa Drinks From Vodka Bottle at LA Pride Claps Back at Trolls

JoJo Siwa Drinks From Vodka Bottle at LA Pride Claps Back at Trolls

JoJo Siwa made a vibrant splash at L.A. Pride in the Park on Saturday night at the Los Angeles State Historic Park. The former “Dance Moms” star concluded her performance in a rather unexpected manner, taking a swig from a vodka bottle. Whether it contained actual alcohol or just water remains a mystery. Alongside this bold move, Siwa didn’t shy away from dropping numerous f-bombs during her set.

At one point, Siwa addressed the crowd with a fiery rant. “I have performed in front of six-year-olds louder than you,” she exclaimed, pointing to a child perched on someone’s shoulders near the front. “In fact, there is a six-year-old right there — why the fuck are you here? I love it. I’m so here for it. You’re awesome, dude. My point is don’t let that superstar be louder than you guys. Lemme hear you make some fucking noise.”

Siwa expressed her love for performing live, contrasting it with the negativity she faces online. “You guys aren’t the dicks online,” she said. “Not going to lie, I have to deal with a lot of them online. I woke up this morning and, as one does, I opened my phone and the first thing that came up was a picture of me performing back when I was in London a couple of days ago.”

She recounted a particularly harsh comment she received. “Some guy – I stalked his page, he was definitely straight…This guy commented, and this was a new comment for me. It wasn’t about a dance that I do. It wasn’t about my hairline, it wasn’t that I’m a 5-foot-9 giant toddler. It said, ‘This man needs to be stopped.’”

Siwa didn’t let the remark get to her, instead, she turned it into a joke. “Number one, my dick was bigger than his and number two, I fucked more girls than him,” she quipped.

The night also featured a high-energy performance from headliner Ricky Martin, who delivered his greatest hits with multiple outfit changes and plenty of bon-bon shaking. “This is wonderful,” Martin said. “This is going to be one special night. I could feel it…It’s a whole community from all walks of life together, joining forces, representing and letting the world know how beautiful it is to love the way we love and this is how we need to do it. We need to be always together and fight for each other. We’re warriors. We’re fighters. I know we are.”

The event’s lineup was packed with talent, including “We’re Here” hosts Jaida Essence Hall, Sasha Velour, Priyanka, and Latrice Royale, as well as Muna, Isaac Dunbar, ADIV, Ryan Satyr, Lady Londyn, Hason, RaiNao, Tokischa, Lykke Li, and DJ Alex Chapman. Franke Grande and “Hacks” star Mark Indelicato also made appearances on stage.

JoJo Siwa’s performance and her unapologetic attitude towards online trolls have sparked a lot of discussions. Her boldness in addressing criticism head-on, both on stage and online, has garnered her a mix of admiration and controversy. Siwa’s ability to turn negative comments into humorous retorts shows her resilience and confidence.

Her actions at L.A. Pride in the Park, from drinking from a vodka bottle to her candid remarks, highlight her fearless personality. Siwa’s message to her fans and critics alike is clear: she won’t be silenced or diminished by negativity. Her performance was not just about entertainment; it was a statement of self-empowerment and defiance against online hate.

As Siwa continues to navigate her career and public persona, her approach to handling criticism sets a powerful example. She embraces her individuality and encourages her fans to do the same, proving that authenticity and self-confidence are key to overcoming adversity.

JoJo Siwa’s presence at L.A. Pride in the Park was more than just a performance; it was a celebration of self-expression and a stand against online bullying. Her ability to connect with her audience, both young and old, and her fearless attitude towards criticism make her a unique and influential figure in the entertainment industry.

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