Jon Cryer and Andrew McCarthy Hated Each Other

Jon Cryer and Andrew McCarthy Hated Each Other

Jon Cryer and Andrew McCarthy Hated Each Other

Jon Cryer and Andrew McCarthy once had a notorious feud during the filming of the 1986 teen classic, “Pretty in Pink.” The tension between the two actors was palpable, and it wasn’t just their characters who were at odds. Cryer recently opened up about their rocky relationship, revealing that he no longer harbors any ill feelings towards McCarthy.

During a panel for McCarthy’s documentary “Brats,” Cryer candidly admitted, “When we made Pretty in Pink, we didn’t get along because he was a dick.” McCarthy didn’t shy away from the accusation, agreeing with Cryer’s assessment. Fellow panelist Demi Moore, however, had a different perspective, stating, “Well, I didn’t think he was a dick.” Cryer quickly retorted, “Well, he wasn’t a dick to you.”

Despite their past animosity, Cryer took to Twitter to clarify that he and McCarthy have since reconciled. “And for the record, the man is a prince,” he wrote. “We were just too young to understand each other.” This newfound understanding marks a significant shift from their earlier days on set.

Their feud was well-documented over the years. Cryer and McCarthy were not the first choices for their roles in “Pretty in Pink,” and their on-set relationship was fraught with tension. Director Howard Deutch revealed that McCarthy and Ringwald, who played the film’s lead, Andie, were at odds because Ringwald had a crush on McCarthy, which he did not reciprocate. This unrequited affection only added to the tension between the cast members.

Cryer, who played the quirky Duckie, felt the brunt of this tension. In his 2015 memoir, Cryer wrote, “I think they were irritated by me from day one. Molly and Andrew were very reserved people, and I’m a very outgoing person. That could have worked out great, that dynamic, but it didn’t.” McCarthy echoed this sentiment, describing Cryer as “very Duckie-like” and “needy,” which he found difficult to tolerate.

Their strained relationship was further complicated by McCarthy’s personal struggles. Cryer later learned that McCarthy was dealing with alcoholism during the filming of “Pretty in Pink.” This revelation came to light when Cryer read McCarthy’s memoir, “Brat.” Reflecting on this, Cryer said, “I thought he was this sullen guy that didn’t want to talk to me. We’re enemies [as characters] in the movie, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. But we just had no rapport whatsoever at the time. I found out later he was going through some tough stuff. That was such a lesson for me, it’s all about projection. You never know.”

Their relationship took a positive turn when they both appeared on a 2012 episode of “The View.” Although they were promoting different projects, their backstage encounter marked a turning point. Cryer recalled, “Interestingly, I saw him backstage and we had a lovely time, we had a great talk. Thank you!” This interaction helped mend their fractured relationship.

McCarthy, through a representative, responded to Cryer’s comments, saying, “Jon Cryer has grown into the most lovely, gracious man,” and jokingly added that he wished Cryer “hadn’t decked me backstage at The View.”

Their reconciliation is a testament to the power of time and understanding. Both actors have moved past their initial animosity and now share mutual respect. Cryer even praised McCarthy for maintaining a healthy head of hair since their “Pretty in Pink” days, a lighthearted nod to their shared history.

Their story serves as a reminder that even the most strained relationships can be mended with time and empathy. As Cryer and McCarthy continue to reflect on their past, they offer a valuable lesson in forgiveness and growth.

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