Kevin Costner faces setback after investing  million in passion project Horizon

Kevin Costner faces setback after investing $38 million in passion project Horizon

Kevin Costner’s ambitious passion project, “Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 2,” has faced a significant setback. The film, which Costner directed and starred in, was initially scheduled for a theatrical release in August 2024. However, following the poor performance and critical reception of the first installment, the studio decided to pull the sequel from theaters. This decision has disappointed many fans, particularly those who have enjoyed Costner’s previous works, such as “Yellowstone.”

The first film in the series, “Horizon: An American Saga,” had an estimated budget of $100 million. Despite the substantial investment, the movie did not perform well at the box office, leading to the cancellation of the second part’s theatrical release. This news has been a blow to Costner and the entire cast and crew who dedicated significant effort to the project. However, the studio has not completely abandoned the film. They have announced plans to release it on video-on-demand (VOD) platforms in the near future. While the exact VOD release date has not been confirmed, fans are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to continue the Horizon saga from the comfort of their homes.

“Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 2” is a story of perseverance and determination, not only for its characters but also for the filmmakers working behind the scenes. Despite the setbacks in its theatrical release, the film will have a chance to reach a wider audience through digital streaming platforms. This ensures that fans of Costner and the Western genre can still enjoy the latest chapter in the Horizon series.

Costner’s passion for the Horizon project has been evident for decades. Over the past 36 years, the story of Horizon has evolved, but Costner never abandoned it. After failing to reach a budget agreement with Disney in 2003, Costner revived the script in 2012, expanding it into four scripts with screenwriter Jon Baird. With no studio interested in producing multiple films, Costner decided to fund the project himself, enlisting two undisclosed investors. Warner Bros. later joined for the theatrical distribution of the first two films.

In a candid interview with GQ, Costner revealed the extent of his personal investment in the project. “I know they say I’ve got $20 million of my own money in this movie. It’s not true. I’ve got now about $38 million in the film. That’s the truth. That’s the real number,” Costner stated. His decisions have had financial consequences, as he and his wife mortgaged a beachfront property in Santa Barbara to finance the film. Despite the risks, Costner remained committed to the project, driven by a sense of urgency and a desire to see his vision come to life.

Costner faced numerous personal setbacks during the production of Horizon, including the loss of both parents in 2021, disagreements over the Yellowstone shooting schedule, and his wife Christine Baumgartner filing for divorce. Despite these challenges, Costner persevered and managed to complete not one but two films for his passion project. He and Warner Bros. embarked on an unprecedented endeavor, releasing both Chapter 1 in June and Chapter 2 in August of the same summer.

The decision to release two films in one summer was unconventional and risky. If the first film failed, the second would likely follow suit, with no opportunity to correct course. “It’s never been done,” Costner told GQ. “But I’m a little unconventional. I liked all four of ’em. They’re already written. I’m not making s— up on the fly. And so to me, it’s not over until it’s over. So I did them both.” Despite the financial uncertainty surrounding the third and fourth chapters, Costner remained determined to complete them.

Renowned author Stephen King defended Costner after the disappointing opening of “Horizon: An American Saga — Chapter 1.” King criticized those who took pleasure in the film’s poor performance, describing their reactions as “schadenfreude.” He questioned why anyone would revel in the failure of a film that isn’t part of the Marvel universe. Other authors, including J.D. Barker and Tomer Rozenberg, echoed King’s sentiments, emphasizing the importance of supporting original films like Costner’s Horizon.

Costner’s investment in Horizon was a significant financial risk. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter at the Cannes Film Festival, Costner explained his decision to put his own money into the project. “I don’t want to let this pile of things I have—whether it’s money, whether it’s [possessions]—be so important to me that I can’t think about what I want to do,” he said. Costner’s commitment to the project was driven by a desire to tell a meaningful story, focusing on both settler groups and Native Americans during the settlement of America’s Western frontier.

Many believe that the Horizon project played a role in the sudden end of the fan-favorite show, Yellowstone, in which Costner starred. Paramount claimed that Costner refused to shoot more episodes, but the actor refuted this, stating that the studio wanted to alter his contract due to delays in the scriptwriting process. Despite the challenges, Costner remained dedicated to his vision, determined to see Horizon through to completion.

Source: GQ, The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, Deadline, Box Office Mojo, Newsweek

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