Kevin Spacey Admits to Being Too Handsy

Kevin Spacey Admits to Being Too Handsy

Kevin Spacey Admits to Being Too Handsy

In a rare and emotional interview with Piers Morgan, actor Kevin Spacey admitted to “being too handsy” in the past. The 64-year-old actor, who has largely been out of the public eye since 2017, acknowledged that he had crossed boundaries by touching people in ways they did not want.

Spacey, who won two Oscars during his career, broke down in tears during the interview. He revealed that he is on the brink of bankruptcy and will lose his Baltimore home due to millions in legal debt. The actor’s fall from grace began in 2017 when he was accused of making a sexual advance towards actor Anthony Rapp when Rapp was just 14 years old.

Following the allegations, Spacey was fired from his starring role in the hit Netflix series “House of Cards.” He was also accused of groping an 18-year-old at a Massachusetts bar in 2016, although those charges were dropped in 2019 when the accuser refused to testify. In 2020, Rapp sued Spacey for sexual assault and battery, but Spacey was found not liable in a federal civil court two years later.

Last year, Spacey was acquitted in a U.K. court of sexually assaulting four men while he was the artistic director of London’s Old Vic Theatre. Despite these legal victories, Spacey continues to face financial and personal challenges. He will face a civil trial in the U.K. next year after being sued by a man who claims Spacey sexually assaulted him.

During the interview, Spacey admitted to “bad behavior” and acknowledged that he had touched people sexually without realizing they did not want it. When Morgan challenged him on whether this constituted groping, Spacey agreed but clarified that he had always tried to be gentle and non-aggressive.

Spacey also addressed the power dynamics in Hollywood, acknowledging that his position could have made it difficult for younger, less experienced actors to express their discomfort. He vowed never to behave in the same way again.

Reflecting on the impact of the allegations, Spacey revealed that he had experienced “very dark” times and had sought therapy. He admitted that his initial response to the Rapp allegations, in which he also came out as gay, was poorly thought out. He expressed hope that people would understand that he did not believe the allegations were true.

Spacey also discussed his financial struggles, revealing that his Baltimore home is being foreclosed on. He explained that he cannot pay his bills and faces millions in legal debt. Despite these challenges, Spacey remains determined to move forward and rebuild his life.

Spacey’s interview with Morgan follows a Channel 4 documentary that aired new allegations against him. The actor has consistently denied any criminal wrongdoing and has been acquitted of all charges in court. However, the allegations have had a lasting impact on his career and personal life.

Spacey expressed gratitude for the support he has received from friends and colleagues, including Sharon Stone, Stephen Fry, and Liam Neeson. He remains hopeful that he can return to acting and live a more open and honest life.

As Spacey continues to navigate the fallout from the allegations, he remains committed to being a better person. He acknowledged that he had struggled with arrogance and ego in the past but is now focused on being a man of good character.

Despite the challenges he faces, Spacey remains determined to move forward and rebuild his life. He expressed hope that, over time, people will recognize his efforts to change and allow him to return to his career.

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