Khloe Kardashian Reveals If Door Is Closed on Tristan Thompson for Good

Khloe Kardashian Reveals If Door Is Closed on Tristan Thompson for Good

Khloe Kardashian has made it clear that her romantic relationship with Tristan Thompson is over for good. On a recent episode of “The Kardashians,” Khloe discussed her current stance on dating and her relationship with Tristan, the father of her two children. Despite their past, Khloe is not looking to rekindle any romantic feelings with Tristan.

During a conversation with Scott Disick and Kris Jenner, Khloe emphasized that she is not interested in dating anyone at the moment. She explained that her time is precious and she prefers to spend it on herself rather than sharing it with a man. “Once I’m done with the kids at 9, I have limited time. 9:30-4pm, that’s my time. I’m not sharing it with a man,” she said. “I’m not sharing my TV, I’m not sharing my bed.”

Scott Disick, curious about the possibility of reconciliation, asked Khloe if there was any hope for Tristan. Khloe’s response was firm and clear: “No.” When Scott pressed further, asking if the door was closed, Khloe confirmed, “Scott, the door is closed.” She expressed frustration with the constant questioning, stating, “Are you kidding me? This is life. We all gotta grow up and move on.”

Khloe also addressed the judgment she feels from others about her decision not to date. She mentioned that she stopped dating Tristan when she was pregnant with their second child, Tatum, and has been single for 2.5 years. She believes that this period of not dating is not unusual. Khloe also touched on Tristan’s move to Cleveland to play for the Cavaliers, noting that while it was good for their children, she does not miss having him around.

“Now that he’s in Cleveland, this is really, really healthy for us. When Tristan was next door, he still was always over, wanted to put the kids to sleep, he loved the routine and I was almost like, f–k,” she confessed.

Scott pointed out how awkward it would be for Tristan to live so close to Khloe, to which she responded that it was his decision. “If he wanted to torture himself, that’s on him,” she said. “You wanna see all these men pulling up to my house, that’s your problem.”

While Khloe is not dating now, she mentioned that she plans to get back out there “eventually, in life.” She added, “You think I’m just going to be celibate for the rest of my life?” For now, she is “exhausted” and prefers to relax by watching her shows and decompressing.

In a confessional, Khloe admitted that she doesn’t even know how to date with children. She wouldn’t bring any men to her home, wouldn’t go to their place, and wouldn’t want to go to a public restaurant where people could take pictures. She is cautious about becoming another public spectacle.

Despite their complicated past, Khloe has shown support for Tristan during difficult times. After the death of Tristan’s mother, Andrea, Tristan and his 16-year-old brother Amari moved in with Khloe. She expressed gratitude for being able to support Tristan and his brother during this challenging period. “I’m grateful that I’m strong enough and brave enough to be a support system for someone else that has no other support system right now,” Khloe said in a confessional.

Khloe emphasized that her actions are driven by her values and upbringing. “You don’t have to treat me right for me to treat you right—it’s not the way I was raised,” she said. She also mentioned that Tristan’s house had become unlivable due to extreme weather, which is why he and Amari were staying with her temporarily.

Khloe’s perspective on family and support is clear. “This is what family does when s–t hits the fan. All you have is your family. And Tristan and I are family, and we’re gonna be family for the rest of our lives,” she said.

While Khloe has forgiven Tristan for his past mistakes, she reiterated that they are not back together romantically. “I know it’s hard for everyone to believe, but I love, love, love Andrea and I love Tristan. I love Amari. This is what family does,” she told the Hulu cameras. “Tristan is the father of my kids… I know how close Tristan and his mom are, and I just, it’s just heartbreaking. And then to be left with the responsibility of another person as well, it’s a lot.”

Khloe’s journey with Tristan has been filled with ups and downs, but she remains focused on her children and her own well-being. While she is open to dating in the future, for now, she is content with her life and the time she has for herself.

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