Kim Hye Yoon Confirmed While Byeon Woo Seok Unable To Join Lovely Runner Reward Vacation

Kim Hye Yoon Confirmed While Byeon Woo Seok Unable To Join Lovely Runner Reward Vacation

The highly anticipated reward vacation for the cast and crew of “Lovely Runner” will see some changes in attendance. On June 11, Byeon Woo Seok’s agency, VARO Entertainment, announced that the actor would not be able to join the trip due to his Asia tour commitments. This news comes as a disappointment to fans who were hoping to see the full cast together.

Despite Byeon Woo Seok’s absence, Kim Hye Yoon has confirmed her participation in the vacation. A representative from her agency, Artist Company, mentioned that they are working to adjust her schedule to ensure she can join the trip. This effort highlights the dedication of the cast to celebrate the success of “Lovely Runner.”

The production company CJ ENM had previously announced on June 4 that the cast and crew would be heading to Phuket, Thailand, for a reward vacation. This trip is a gesture of appreciation for the hard work and dedication that went into making “Lovely Runner” a success.

“Lovely Runner” concluded its run on May 28, leaving fans with a memorable experience. The drama’s success has been a significant milestone for the cast and crew. Following the show’s conclusion, Byeon Woo Seok embarked on his first Asia fan meeting tour, “Summer Letter,” which began on June 8. This tour has kept him busy, making it impossible for him to join the vacation.

Fans of “Lovely Runner” can still look forward to seeing Kim Hye Yoon and other cast members enjoying their time in Phuket. The vacation is a well-deserved break for the team, who have worked tirelessly to bring the drama to life.

The absence of Byeon Woo Seok from the trip is a reminder of the busy schedules that actors often have to juggle. His commitment to his fans through the Asia tour is commendable, even though it means missing out on the reward vacation.

Kim Hye Yoon’s participation in the trip is a positive note for fans. Her agency’s efforts to adjust her schedule show the importance of the vacation to the cast. It also highlights the strong bond between the cast members, who are eager to celebrate their success together.

The reward vacation in Phuket is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the “Lovely Runner” team. It is an opportunity for the cast and crew to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor. While Byeon Woo Seok’s absence will be felt, the presence of Kim Hye Yoon and other cast members will ensure that the trip is a memorable one.

Fans can continue to support “Lovely Runner” by watching the drama on Viki. The show’s success is a result of the collective effort of the cast and crew, and the reward vacation is a fitting celebration of their achievements.

In conclusion, the “Lovely Runner” reward vacation will proceed with some changes in attendance. Byeon Woo Seok’s absence due to his Asia tour is a reminder of the busy lives of actors. However, Kim Hye Yoon’s confirmed participation is a positive note for fans. The vacation in Phuket is a well-deserved break for the team, and fans can look forward to seeing their favorite cast members enjoying their time together.

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