Kristen Bell Reveals How Dax Shepard Won Her Heart

Kristen Bell Reveals How Dax Shepard Won Her Heart

Kristen Bell Reveals How Dax Shepard Won Her Heart

Thanks to Instagram’s new question feature, celebrities are sharing everything from their workout routines to their favorite snacks. When a fan asked Kristen Bell how she and Dax Shepard met, the actress didn’t hold back. She shared a detailed response that proves pickup lines can work.

It all began when a follower responded to Bell’s Instagram Story, asking about the couple’s meet-cute. Bell admitted it wasn’t love at first sight. “At a birthday dinner for a mutual friend,” she wrote. “But there weren’t any sparks. Two weeks later, I saw him at a hockey game, and he asked for the gum in my mouth, and I was like, HELLO…”

When another user asked her to elaborate, Bell confirmed that Shepard had his eyes on the prize. She added, “Truly, his first text to me was: ‘Hi. My name is Dax. I violated your privacy and got your number from Shauna. How do you feel about that?’ And I thought… what the hell?? This kid is sassy!!”

It seems Shepard’s bold approach paid off. Bell recently shared more insights into their relationship during an interview. She revealed that staying together isn’t always easy. “It still takes a lot of work, but we are choosing to be this happy because the other choice is, what, choosing to be unhappy? No thanks,” she said.

Bell also described a hiccup early in their relationship that led to a breakup. “We were dating for about three months, and I already knew that I was in love with him. He was hesitant because he knew he was still dating other people,” she said. “He sat me down and said, ‘I can’t have this right now. I think you’re wonderful, but I am still dating other people.’ And then I, like, liquefied and fell to the ground, but I felt incredibly respected that he had the balls to tell me we weren’t in the same place.”

She left that conversation thinking he had made a huge mistake, but she knew she’d get through it. Sure enough, he called her just four days later and said he screwed up. “He called me and he was like, ‘I don’t know what I was thinking. I was dating someone else, but they’re just not as interesting as you, and I don’t know what I’m doing,’ and he came back,” she continued. “But I still always remind him of when he broke up with me.”

Bell has also praised Lizzo for living a lifestyle that “inspires my whole family.” She shared an unforgettable experience with her two kids and some special family friends. On Instagram, Bell posted photos from an outing with her daughters Delta and Lincoln to see Lizzo perform. “Legendary weekend getting to meet our most favorite person of all the people… @lizzobeeating!!! Hard to describe the emotions I felt when she wrapped her arms around my girls and squeezed them with so much love,” she captioned the photos.

In the photos, both girls are clearly emotional while meeting the “About Damn Time” singer. There are also scenes of the group enjoying the concert together. “Lizzo inspires my whole family on a level no other artist does. She makes living life FUN,” the actress raved. “She gives my girls happiness and self-esteem, and man oh man did she deliver at this concert!!!”

During a SXSW panel in Austin, Texas, Bell and Shepard raved about parenting. Shepard said, “nothing compares to being a dad. It is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. When I have failures in life, I get to come home and still be dad. It is the most transformative experience. You can feel it’s why you are here.”

Bell has also revealed details about Shepard’s off-roading accident that crushed his hand. On The Ellen DeGeneres Show, she detailed how her husband crushed all the bones in his hand after his vehicle flipped over. “He went on an essential off-roading trip right when the quarantine began. He was off-roading in the mountains and had a buddy with him, but they were in separate off-road vehicles. He got to an edge of a cliff,” Bell told DeGeneres. “He’s very embarrassed by this injury because the cardinal rule is you don’t put your hands outside the car at any time—that’s the only chance of injury.”

She continued, “He was sitting on the edge of a cliff and he put his hand up just to look out, and the weight of his arm tipped the vehicle over. It did crush all the bones in his hands. Shattered.”

Bell admitted that Shepard didn’t even call her after the accident. He simply drove home, walked in the door, and confessed. “The first thing he said when he walked in the door is, ‘I just don’t want to be in trouble.’ Which is crazy because he’s never in trouble with me. I mean, I’ll let you know if I’m disappointed in your actions, but I’m an adult, and he’s an adult,” she said. “I said, ‘You’re not in trouble, but it’s not the smartest move you could have made.'”

As for how Shepard is recovering amid the quarantine, Bell said he’s had his own share of projects to occupy time. “He did clean out the drain in our shower the other day,” she said. “He pulled out the biggest wad of fur that I have ever seen. It was like the size of a small purebred dog. That was a week and a half ago, and even now, daughters Lincoln and Delta won’t shower in that shower because they’re scared that the hair monster’s going to come up and suck them down the drain.”

Kristen Bell is getting candid about her marriage, including what she finds most annoying about Dax Shepard. The couple has been married since 2013 and shares two children together, daughters Lincoln and Delta. During an appearance on The Backstory podcast hosted by Jason Bentley, Bell opened up about why she chooses to be so open about her personal life. “Peace of mind with my own authenticity, I think is the best way to describe it,” she said.

She went on to say that it was actually Shepard who encouraged her to speak publicly about personal aspects of her life, such as her experiences with anxiety and depression. “And what’s funny is — this is what I say is the most annoying part of my husband, he’s almost always right,” she continued. “When I say almost always, I mean like really almost always. It’s so annoying.”

“My husband was like, yeah, talk about that. And I realized I had been presenting this bubbly individual, and it just wasn’t the full story,” Bell revealed. “It didn’t have the dimension. And I felt this sickening wave of fraudulence and inauthenticity, and I went on and I brought it up. I want to be the person who talks honestly and says, ‘I get what I present to you, it’s not always the case.’ So if you’re feeling that too, just know that I’m right here with you.”

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