Lost on a Mountain in Maine Movie Debut Date Announced

Lost on a Mountain in Maine Movie Debut Date Announced

The much-anticipated film adaptation of “Lost on a Mountain in Maine” has finally announced its debut date. The movie, based on Donn Fendler’s harrowing true story, will premiere at the Maine International Film Festival on July 13 at 7 p.m. at the Waterville Opera House. This announcement has generated significant excitement among fans of the book, which has been a staple in Maine classrooms for decades.

Festival pass holders can already purchase tickets for the premiere, while individual tickets will be available starting June 14. Following its debut, the film is set for a national release in theaters later this fall. The movie, which runs just under two hours, stars Luke David Blumm as Donn Fendler. The cast also includes Caitlin FitzGerald, Ethan Slater, Paul Sparks, and Bates Wilder. The screenplay was written by Luke Paradise and directed by Andrew Boodhoo Kightlinger. Notably, Sylvester Stallone is one of the producers, alongside Braden Aftergood, Dick Boyce, Ryan B. Cook, and Heather Grehan.

“Lost on a Mountain in Maine” recounts the gripping tale of 12-year-old Donn Fendler, who got lost on Mount Katahdin in 1939. His nine-day ordeal in the wilderness captured the world’s attention and made headlines globally. The book, published the same year, became an instant hit and has remained a beloved children’s book in Maine ever since.

The festival program describes the film as a long-awaited adaptation of Maine’s most cherished book. Central Mainers Ryan Cook and Derek Desmond, who previously won a prize at the Maine International Film Festival for their documentary on Fendler, are among the producers of this new feature film. Camden native Caitlin FitzGerald stars as Donn’s mother, adding a local touch to the production.

The film’s journey to the big screen has been a long one. According to producer Dick Boyce, a feature film adaptation of Fendler’s story has been in the works for decades. Boyce, whose parents read him the book as a child, expressed his excitement about finally bringing this project to fruition. “This is a 40-years-in-the-making passion project that captures the essence of my parents: family, hope, and grit,” Boyce told ScreenDaily.

The movie was filmed in the summer of 2022 in Ulster County, New York, rather than in Maine. Despite this, the film aims to capture the spirit and essence of Fendler’s incredible survival story. The cast includes notable actors such as Paul Sparks and Ethan Slater, who will soon appear in the movie adaptation of the musical “Wicked.”

The announcement of the film’s debut has been met with enthusiasm from both fans of the book and those involved in its production. Ryan Cook, one of the producers, shared his gratitude for the opportunity to bring Fendler’s story to a wider audience. “We cannot express how much this (Donn Fendler) has changed and inspired our lives, as we know he’s inspired the lives of thousands of others,” Cook said.

The film’s release is a significant milestone for those who have worked tirelessly to bring Fendler’s story to the screen. The project has been in development since 2010, and its completion is a testament to the dedication and hard work of everyone involved. The film’s Facebook page expressed the team’s excitement about finally sharing their work with the world, thanking Balboa Productions and Blue Fox Entertainment for making the dream a reality.

As the premiere date approaches, anticipation continues to build. The story of Donn Fendler’s survival has resonated with generations of Mainers, and the film adaptation promises to bring his incredible journey to life in a new and compelling way. With its debut at the Maine International Film Festival, “Lost on a Mountain in Maine” is set to captivate audiences and honor the legacy of a true American hero.

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