Marvel permanently kills Captain Marvel in bold statement about new continuity

Marvel permanently kills Captain Marvel in bold statement about new continuity

Marvel Permanently Kills Captain Marvel in Bold Statement About New Continuity

In a shocking turn of events, Marvel has made a bold statement by permanently killing off Captain Marvel in its new continuity. This move has sent ripples through the comic book community, signaling a significant shift in the Marvel Universe.

The new Ultimate Universe, which has been expanding its continuity beyond Earth-616, has already made headlines by killing off two god-tier heroes: Black Bolt and Sentry. Now, with the death of Captain Marvel, Marvel is making it clear that the stakes are higher than ever.

In the latest storyline, the Ultimates, consisting of Earth-6160’s Captain America, Tony Stark (Iron Lad), and Doctor Doom (Reed Richards), break into a Damage Control facility. Their mission is to rescue a WWII-era hero, the original Human Torch, Jim Hammond. While they succeed in their mission, they come across the corpses of several other heroes, including Captain Marvel.

This discovery is a bold statement by Marvel, indicating that there will be no easy solutions or god-level allies in the Ultimates’ fight against the Maker. The death of Captain Marvel, one of Marvel’s most powerful heroes, underscores the seriousness of the new continuity.

The new Ultimate Universe, currently separate from Earth-616, is in the early stages of shaping its entire continuity. As the storyline unfolds, it will have to do so without some of Marvel’s most powerful heroes. The death of Captain Marvel is a significant loss, as she has been a key player in many storylines and a powerful ally to the Avengers.

The Ultimates’ discovery of the corpses of heroes like Black Bolt, Sentry, and now Captain Marvel, is a clear indication that the new Ultimate Universe will be a much darker and more challenging place. The absence of these powerful heroes means that the Ultimates will have to rely on their own abilities and ingenuity to face the challenges ahead.

Marvel’s decision to permanently kill off Captain Marvel is a bold move that has left fans reeling. It signals a new direction for the Marvel Universe, one where the stakes are higher, and the challenges are greater. The new Ultimate Universe is set to launch its first ongoing titles in 2024, and fans are eagerly awaiting to see how the storyline will unfold without some of their favorite heroes.

The death of Captain Marvel is a significant loss for the Marvel Universe. She has been a symbol of strength and resilience, and her absence will be felt by both the characters and the fans. However, it also opens up new possibilities for storytelling and character development in the new Ultimate Universe.

As the new Ultimate Universe continues to take shape, it will be interesting to see how the remaining heroes adapt to the loss of Captain Marvel and other powerful allies. The challenges they face will be greater, and the stakes will be higher, but it also presents an opportunity for new heroes to rise and for existing characters to grow and evolve.

Marvel’s decision to permanently kill off Captain Marvel is a bold statement about the new continuity. It signals a new era for the Marvel Universe, one where the challenges are greater, and the stakes are higher. Fans will be eagerly watching to see how the storyline unfolds and how the remaining heroes rise to the occasion.

The new Ultimate Universe is set to launch its first ongoing titles in 2024, and fans have high expectations for these books. The death of Captain Marvel has set the stage for a new era of storytelling, one that promises to be darker, more challenging, and more exciting than ever before.

Marvel’s decision to permanently kill off Captain Marvel is a bold move that has left fans reeling. It signals a new direction for the Marvel Universe, one where the stakes are higher, and the challenges are greater. The new Ultimate Universe is set to launch its first ongoing titles in 2024, and fans are eagerly awaiting to see how the storyline will unfold without some of their favorite heroes.

The death of Captain Marvel is a significant loss for the Marvel Universe. She has been a symbol of strength and resilience, and her absence will be felt by both the characters and the fans. However, it also opens up new possibilities for storytelling and character development in the new Ultimate Universe.

As the new Ultimate Universe continues to take shape, it will be interesting to see how the remaining heroes adapt to the loss of Captain Marvel and other powerful allies. The challenges they face will be greater, and the stakes will be higher, but it also presents an opportunity for new heroes to rise and for existing characters to grow and evolve.

Marvel’s decision to permanently kill off Captain Marvel is a bold statement about the new continuity. It signals a new era for the Marvel Universe, one where the challenges are greater, and the stakes are higher. Fans will be eagerly watching to see how the storyline unfolds and how the remaining heroes rise to the occasion.

The new Ultimate Universe is set to launch its first ongoing titles in 2024, and fans have high expectations for these books. The death of Captain Marvel has set the stage for a new era of storytelling, one that promises to be darker, more challenging, and more exciting than ever before.

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