Marvel’s Long-Awaited Blade Movie Loses Director Again

Marvel’s Long-Awaited Blade Movie Loses Director Again

Marvel’s Long-Awaited Blade Movie Loses Director Again

Marvel’s highly anticipated Blade reboot has hit another snag, losing its director once more. Initially announced at San Diego Comic-Con in 2019, the film has faced numerous delays and setbacks. The latest departure is Yann Demange, who had been attached to the project since late 2022.

According to The Wrap, Demange’s exit was amicable, but it adds another layer of uncertainty to the film’s already troubled production. Eric Pearson, known for his work on Fantastic Four, Thor: Ragnarok, and Black Widow, is currently revising the script, which has seen multiple rewrites by various writers, including Michael Starrbury.

Despite these challenges, Mahershala Ali remains committed to starring as the titular vampire hunter. The film is still slated for a November 7, 2025 release, but whether it will meet this date remains to be seen. Insiders suggest that getting the film right is more important than rushing it to meet a deadline, especially given Marvel’s new strategy of releasing fewer movies and TV shows each year.

The Blade reboot has been plagued by a series of setbacks, including the pandemic, Hollywood strikes, and now, another director change. The film was initially set to begin production in November 2022 with a release date of November 3, 2023. However, the departure of the original director, Bassam Tariq, and subsequent delays have pushed the release date to 2025.

Marvel’s focus on quality over quantity is evident in their decision to delay the film further. According to a Variety report, the project has struggled with script changes and a lack of creative direction. One version of the script even sidelined Ali’s character, making him the fourth lead in a story led by women and filled with life lessons.

In December 2023, Ali expressed optimism about the project’s direction, stating that he was encouraged by the new team and their vision for the film. Marvel plans to produce the movie on a budget of $100 million, a significant reduction from their usual quarter-billion dollar budgets, aiming for a more indie film approach.

Ali will take on the role of Blade, a character first introduced in “The Tomb of Dracula” #10 in 1973. Created by Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan, Blade is a half-vampire, also known as a “daywalker,” who possesses the strengths of vampires without their typical vulnerabilities. Wesley Snipes originally brought the character to life in the 1998 film Blade, followed by two sequels.

While Ali’s Blade has yet to make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, his voice was heard in a post-credits scene in the 2021 film Eternals. The new Blade film aims to explore a darker, horror-inspired corner of the Marvel Universe, offering a fresh take on the superhero genre.

Despite the setbacks, fans remain hopeful that the Blade reboot will eventually see the light of day. The film’s troubled production history has only heightened anticipation, with many eager to see Ali’s portrayal of the iconic vampire hunter. As Marvel recalibrates its approach to content production, the focus remains on delivering a high-quality film that does justice to the beloved character.

With the release date still set for November 7, 2025, the clock is ticking for Marvel to get Blade back on track. As the studio navigates these challenges, fans can only hope that the final product will be worth the wait. In the meantime, those craving a Blade fix can revisit the original Wesley Snipes films, which continue to hold a special place in the hearts of many.

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